SPA app using NextJs + TypeScript + Postgress. Traditional CRUD blog with ability to add articles, tags and comments. Also have users, authentification and the ability to send messages to other users in chat mode. Live demo -
- Chat on Websockets
- One button deploy *. So you need only Docker and Git installed on server. Node, Postgress and Caddy will be handled via Docker
- Database migrations
- Backend API tests via Jest. Frontend unit / e2e tests via ReactTestingLibrary / Cypress
- Notable techs - NextJs, TypeScript, ObjectionOrm, WebSockets, CSS Modules, Tailwind, Docker, Postgress, Caddy
git clone
cd comingstorm
make install # only first time, install node packages
make database-build # only first time, download database image
make database-up
make migrate # only first time, create database structure
make database-seed # only first time, for prepopulate database
make start
then go to http://localhost:3000
git clone
cd comingstorm
make compose-build
make compose-up
make compose-migrate # only first time, create database structure
make compose-seed # only first time, for prepopulate database
then go to http://localhost/