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Multichain Storage SDK - Python

Made by FilSwan Chat on discord

A python software development kit for the Multi-Chain Storage(MCS) service. It provides a convenient interface for working with the MCS API.

Table of Contents

🆕 Getting Started


  • via pip (Recommended):
pip install python-mcs-sdk
  • Build from source (optional)
git clone
git checkout main
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup Credentials

api_key/access_token can be found in, make sure save your APIKey and Access Token after you have generated it, you will not find it again after you created it

#for onchain storage only
private_key="<PRIVATE_KEY>" # private key of your wallet
rpc_endpoint="<RPC_ENDPOINT>"# e.g


from swan_mcs import APIClient
if __name__ == '__main__':
   mcs_api = APIClient(api_key, access_token, chain_name)
   # polygon.mainnet for mainnet, polygon.mumbai for testnet

👨‍💻 Examples

Bucket Storage

  • Create a bucket
from swan_mcs import BucketAPI
    bucket_client = BucketAPI(mcs_api)
    bucket_data = bucket_client.create_bucket('YOUR_BUCKET_NAME')
  • Upload a file to the bucket
    # file_path is the path relative to the current file
    # object_name is your target path. e.g: 'FOLDER_NAME/FILENAME'
    file_data = bucket_client.upload_file('YOUR_BUCKET_NAME', 'OBJECT_NAME' , 'FILE_PATH') 

Onchain Storage

Onchain storage is designed for stored file information in smart contract.It requires payment for each file

  • Upload File to Onchain storage
from swan_mcs import OnchainAPI
   onchain = OnchainAPI(mcs_api)
   print(onchain.upload_file('<File Path>'))
  • Pay for the storage contract

Please move forward for How to pay for the storage

For more examples, please see the SDK documentation.

ℹ️ Functions

This SDK has the following functionalities:

For Buckets Storage

  • POST Create a bucket
  • POST Create a folder
  • POST Upload File to the bucket
  • POST Rename bucket
  • GET Delete bucket
  • GET Bucket List
  • GET File List
  • GET File information
  • GET Delete File


Feel free to join in and discuss. Suggestions are welcome! Open an issue or Join the Discord!


Filecoin Foundation sponsors this project

Flink SDK - A data provider offers Chainlink Oracle service for Filecoin Network