Your Social Event Manager Final Project at DCI by Hugo, Hila, Alex
- An app that brings together the logistic aspects of creating and managing a small event
- A social app that allows you to stay connected with your loved ones or remote networks
🏕 Creating group with a common passion, interest or connection
👯♂️ Adding and removing members from the group
🔐 Only admins are authorized to edit group details and add people to group
💂 Set or remove admins
📆 Creating events
⛔️ Only members of the group are authorized to create and view events within the group
📷 Uploading photos to the group with the option to like and comment on them
🧭 Navigating to Event location via google maps
Django RestFramework
Swagger for better transperany with endpoints
Docker for hosting DB
Postgres as ORM
Authentication to the API
Role-based permissions to the app modules (Group-based authorization and role-based within the groups)
CRUD operations for groups, events, users and photos
Automation of all processes to enable transparency and flow within the team, including Github actions for CI/CD, Flake8 and test-coverage reports (threshold 90%, currently standing on 97%)
Test Driven Development approach to minimize pitfalls
- Chat
- Inventory list with incremental search and quantities that auto-update
- To do list
- Calendar
- Gmail sign in
- Event Timeline
- Deploy to Google Cloud Platform
git installed
python 3.8>.10
- Install python-venv packages:
apt install python3.10-venv
- Install a virtual enviroment using the command line:
python3 -m venv .venv
- Activate the venv:
. .venv/bin/activate
- Install the requirements of the project:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install Docker
- create an image maping the localhost and the port 2022
docker run -d --name <image_name> -p -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres
- run the image:
docker start <image_name_or_id>
- Go to the container and open posgresql:
docker exec -it postgres bash psql -U postgres
- Create a database called eventeger_db:
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE eventeger_db;
After the database is set up with docker we need to make migrations and migrate by using the following commands:
- Inside the directory of the project:
python3 makemigrations && migrate
- After all migrations are done we can run the server an look the endpoints in the documentation url
python runserver