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Fix footer #1396

GitHub Actions / Test Results completed Oct 29, 2023 in 0s

❌️ Test Results - 2/4, skipped: 1, failed: 1 - Failed in 58.552s

❌️ playmode-results.xml - 2/4, skipped: 1, failed: 1 - Failed in 58.552s


❌️ playmode-results.xml - 2/4, skipped: 1, failed: 1 - Failed in 58.552s
  • ❌️ Tests.PlayMode.CardGameManagerTests - 1/3, skipped: 1, failed: 1 - Failed in 58.477s
    • ❌️ CanGetGames - Failed in 58.099s
      Expected string length 13 but was 17. Strings differ at index 13.
      Expected: "Grand Archive"
      But was: "Grand Archive TCG"

      Checking Deep Links...
      No Start Deep Link
      CardGameManager is Awake!
      Testing download for: Arcmage, attempt 1 of 1
      GetCardGame: Starting...
      GetCardGame: Existing game search complete...
      DownloadCardGame: start
      Download Start
      Downloading: CardGameDef...
      Downloading: Banner
      Downloading: CardBack
      Downloading: PlayMat
      Downloading: Boards
      Downloading: Decks
      Downloading: Decks:     1 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:     2 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Antichristos at //arcmage/Decks/583dccb9-ef1b-4431-a658-3f203efa4f4a/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:     3 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:     4 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:     5 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:     6 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Cheese Cult at //arcmage/Decks/604bce67-c5e5-421c-bf0d-737cf1305189/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:     7 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl deto at //arcmage/Decks/14156bc9-bdd1-4072-bd5f-a405f801a4d1/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:     8 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Dying Undead at //arcmage/Decks/c91d87c9-7d34-43d6-ae78-e4fac204e3c5/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:     9 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Fire and Blood at //arcmage/Decks/f1b6b4ff-786b-4544-99ba-6ec290062c70/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:    10 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Flying Deck at //arcmage/Decks/12b46119-1b9e-4898-ad79-273d387210dc/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:    11 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    12 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Imp-Ferno Prototype at //arcmage/Decks/f614cf6a-6194-4e25-b8bc-9779a48fc188/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:    13 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl jan kiwen en jan usawi at //arcmage/Decks/15b9c117-63bb-4315-94f8-64828f7bae02/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:    14 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Light in the flames at //arcmage/Decks/8f56323e-1aca-419a-aaa1-fc335501fa36/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:    15 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Savage Nature at //arcmage/Decks/5534cb49-8401-43a8-aeac-7bf7a0a501a2/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:    16 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    17 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    18 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    19 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    20 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Set 1 - Brothers in Arms (french) at //arcmage/Decks/188d1e10-597b-4b5b-90b2-b5feeee86753/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:    21 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    22 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    23 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    24 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    25 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    26 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    27 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    28 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Set 1 - The Uprising (french) at //arcmage/Decks/77d86796-ef0d-4571-8939-63f4be91f751/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:    29 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    30 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    31 / 50
      Ignoring deckUrl Set 1 - Toll of Time (french) at //arcmage/Decks/79d69b5a-32d8-4e01-8c37-bbdf879e70bf/deck.txt is False
      Downloading: Decks:    32 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    33 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    34 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    35 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    36 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    37 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    38 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    39 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    40 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    41 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    42 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    43 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    44 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    45 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    46 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    47 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    48 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    49 / 50
      Downloading: Decks:    50 / 50
      Downloading: AllSets.json
      Downloading: Cards:     1 / 2
      Downloading: Cards:     2 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:     3 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:     4 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:     5 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:     6 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:     7 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:     8 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:     9 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:    10 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:    11 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:    12 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:    13 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:    14 / 16
      Downloading: Cards:    15 / 16
      Download End
      DownloadCardGame: end
      GetCardGame: Done!
      Testing download for: Grand Archive, attempt 1 of 1
      GetCardGame: Starting...
      GetCardGame: Existing game search complete...
      DownloadCardGame: start
      Download Start
      Downloading: CardGameDef...
      Downloading: Banner
      Downloading: CardBack
      Downloading: PlayMat
      Downloading: Boards
      Downloading: Decks
      Downloading: Decks:     1 / 5
      Downloading: Decks:     2 / 5
      Downloading: Decks:     3 / 5
      Downloading: Decks:     4 / 5
      Downloading: Decks:     5 / 5
      Downloading: AllSets.json
      Downloading: Cards:     1 / 2
      Downloading: Cards:     2 / 9
      Downloading: Cards:     3 / 9
      Downloading: Cards:     4 / 9
      Downloading: Cards:     5 / 9
      Downloading: Cards:     6 / 9
      Downloading: Cards:     7 / 9
      Downloading: Cards:     8 / 9
      Download End
      DownloadCardGame: end
      GetCardGame: Done!
      at Tests.PlayMode.CardGameManagerTests+<CanGetGames>d__1.MoveNext () [0x00228] in Assets/Tests/PlayMode/CardGameManagerTests.cs:61
      at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
    • CanLoadDefaultGames - Passed in 0.377s

    • ⚠️ CanRecoverFromFailure - Skipped

  • ✅ Tests.PlayMode.SchemaTests - 1/1 - Passed in 0.023s
    • ValidatedGames - Passed in 0.023s


Check failure on line 61 in Assets/Tests/PlayMode/CardGameManagerTests.cs

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results


  Expected string length 13 but was 17. Strings differ at index 13.
  Expected: "Grand Archive"
  But was:  "Grand Archive TCG"
Raw output
Checking Deep Links...
No Start Deep Link
CardGameManager is Awake!
Testing download for: Arcmage, attempt 1 of 1
GetCardGame: Starting...
GetCardGame: Existing game search complete...
DownloadCardGame: start
Download Start
Downloading: CardGameDef...
Downloading: Banner
Downloading: CardBack
Downloading: PlayMat
Downloading: Boards
Downloading: Decks
Downloading: Decks:     1 / 50
Downloading: Decks:     2 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Antichristos at //arcmage/Decks/583dccb9-ef1b-4431-a658-3f203efa4f4a/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:     3 / 50
Downloading: Decks:     4 / 50
Downloading: Decks:     5 / 50
Downloading: Decks:     6 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Cheese Cult at //arcmage/Decks/604bce67-c5e5-421c-bf0d-737cf1305189/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:     7 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl deto at //arcmage/Decks/14156bc9-bdd1-4072-bd5f-a405f801a4d1/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:     8 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Dying Undead at //arcmage/Decks/c91d87c9-7d34-43d6-ae78-e4fac204e3c5/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:     9 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Fire and Blood at //arcmage/Decks/f1b6b4ff-786b-4544-99ba-6ec290062c70/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:    10 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Flying Deck at //arcmage/Decks/12b46119-1b9e-4898-ad79-273d387210dc/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:    11 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    12 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Imp-Ferno Prototype at //arcmage/Decks/f614cf6a-6194-4e25-b8bc-9779a48fc188/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:    13 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl jan kiwen en jan usawi at //arcmage/Decks/15b9c117-63bb-4315-94f8-64828f7bae02/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:    14 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Light in the flames at //arcmage/Decks/8f56323e-1aca-419a-aaa1-fc335501fa36/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:    15 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Savage Nature at //arcmage/Decks/5534cb49-8401-43a8-aeac-7bf7a0a501a2/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:    16 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    17 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    18 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    19 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    20 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Set 1 - Brothers in Arms (french) at //arcmage/Decks/188d1e10-597b-4b5b-90b2-b5feeee86753/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:    21 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    22 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    23 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    24 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    25 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    26 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    27 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    28 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Set 1 - The Uprising (french) at //arcmage/Decks/77d86796-ef0d-4571-8939-63f4be91f751/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:    29 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    30 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    31 / 50
Ignoring deckUrl Set 1 - Toll of Time (french) at //arcmage/Decks/79d69b5a-32d8-4e01-8c37-bbdf879e70bf/deck.txt is False
Downloading: Decks:    32 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    33 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    34 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    35 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    36 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    37 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    38 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    39 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    40 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    41 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    42 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    43 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    44 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    45 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    46 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    47 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    48 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    49 / 50
Downloading: Decks:    50 / 50
Downloading: AllSets.json
Downloading: Cards:     1 / 2
Downloading: Cards:     2 / 16
Downloading: Cards:     3 / 16
Downloading: Cards:     4 / 16
Downloading: Cards:     5 / 16
Downloading: Cards:     6 / 16
Downloading: Cards:     7 / 16
Downloading: Cards:     8 / 16
Downloading: Cards:     9 / 16
Downloading: Cards:    10 / 16
Downloading: Cards:    11 / 16
Downloading: Cards:    12 / 16
Downloading: Cards:    13 / 16
Downloading: Cards:    14 / 16
Downloading: Cards:    15 / 16
Download End
DownloadCardGame: end
GetCardGame: Done!
Testing download for: Grand Archive, attempt 1 of 1
GetCardGame: Starting...
GetCardGame: Existing game search complete...
DownloadCardGame: start
Download Start
Downloading: CardGameDef...
Downloading: Banner
Downloading: CardBack
Downloading: PlayMat
Downloading: Boards
Downloading: Decks
Downloading: Decks:     1 / 5
Downloading: Decks:     2 / 5
Downloading: Decks:     3 / 5
Downloading: Decks:     4 / 5
Downloading: Decks:     5 / 5
Downloading: AllSets.json
Downloading: Cards:     1 / 2
Downloading: Cards:     2 / 9
Downloading: Cards:     3 / 9
Downloading: Cards:     4 / 9
Downloading: Cards:     5 / 9
Downloading: Cards:     6 / 9
Downloading: Cards:     7 / 9
Downloading: Cards:     8 / 9
Download End
DownloadCardGame: end
GetCardGame: Done!

at Tests.PlayMode.CardGameManagerTests+<CanGetGames>d__1.MoveNext () [0x00228] in /github/workspace/Assets/Tests/PlayMode/CardGameManagerTests.cs:61
at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46