This application is designed to monitor different equipment, like Servers, Routers, Switches and so on, by IPMI, iLo or SNMP.
This is Opensource project based on my other project written in Python. That version is very hard to develop as I made some design mistakes, which I will try to bypass. Also, I want to make this project more asynchronous, so that each request to monitored equipment been made completely separately.
Why do I want to make one more monitoring utility? Well, in fact there is no any lightweight utility to monitor really big number of servers through IPMI: to get there sensors, event logs, handle their events and alert admins. In my own experience, often troubles can be predicted much earlier if you get low level data such as IPMI Event logs and sensors.
Client side is written using Knockout.js to render data recieved from server by Websockets events. Interface is fast, lightweight and simple, created with Semantic-UI.
You can watch the video of working system on YouTube.
Instruction is for Debian. You can use Linux distribution of your own.
apt-get install openjdk-7-jre mysql-server redis-server
Use instructions from site
Use instructions from site
git clone
cd DCMon2
npm install -g sails
npm install -g forever
npm install
Add DB parameters to configuration files:
- MYSQL parameters to config/connections.js
- InfluxDB and Elasticsearch parameters to config/dcmon.js
- Redis parameters to config/session.js
forever start app.js --prod
Go to http://localhost/config/eq (or your real host address) and add Datacenter, Rackmount and equipment.
Login: admin
Password: Admin12345
- IPMI protocol: only Supermicro servers supported;
- SNMP protocol: only LAN devices supported. Basic features like lan ports traffic and states.
Tests coverage is in development yet. For current tests run:
npm test
a Sails application