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Firedrake meeting 2021 02 03

nbouziani edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 4 revisions

Date and time 2021-02-03 16:00UTC (16:00GMT)

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter.
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)


Present: DAH, LM, RK, JDB, RNH, NB, KS, SK, CW, PK, SV, KK, TG


RNH: TSFC master is failing on python 3.8

See travis

Failing because the name of the ufl package was changed (from ufl to fenics-ufl)

Fix: in requirement.txt set #egg=fenics-ufl

CW: Merge Flame Graph to PETSc master

Certain operations can be timed in PETSc via timer flags present in the code.

This merge enables to generate a svg file containing the flame graph with the time elapsed for the different timed operations.

Same principle can be applied to time the different firedrake operations (e.g. assemble,solve, etc.).

RK: Nonlocal operator (using ExternalOperator)

The nonlocal operator for Helmholtz (complex) is working.

Next step: the adjoint

Merge PRs:

"Fix passing of nearnullspace in mixed problem to subproblem" #1952: here: **Merged **


Don't forget to register !


Date of next meeting

2021-02-10 16:00UTC (16:00GMT)


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