A simple event subscription publishing system implementation
$ npm install --save mp-event
import { event } from 'mp-event';
const eventName = Symbol();
event.on(eventName, console.log);
event.emit(eventName, 1);
event.emit(eventName, 2);
Register an event subscription
- name: event name.
- fn: callback function when the event is triggered.
- options: subscription options.
- target(optional, object): the value to be passed as the this parameter to the target function when the callback function is called.
- once(optional, boolean): whether the event is called only once.
- unique(optional, boolean): register a unique callback function by event name and target.
const event = require('mp-event');
const eventName = Symbol();
const target = { name: 'fisher' };
event.on(eventName, function () { console.log(this.name) }, { target });
// output
Register an event subscription, but only be triggered once.
- name: event name.
- fn: callback function when the event is triggered.
- options: subscription options.
- target: the value to be passed as the this parameter to the target function when the callback function is called.
- unique(boolean): register a unique callback function by event name and target.
const event = require('mp-event');
const eventName = Symbol();
event.once(eventName, console.log);
event.emit(eventName, 1);
event.emit(eventName, 1);// ignored
// output
Trigger event by name and data.
- name: event name.
- data: event data pass to the callback functions.
const event = require('mp-event');
const eventName = Symbol();
event.on(eventName, data => console.log(data.name));
event.emit(eventName, { name: 'fisher' });
// output
Cancel event subscription by name and target, the current operation will compare the name and target (default is undefined) at the same time. If you want to completely clear all subscriptions, please use clear method.
- name: event name.
- options: subscription options.
- target: the value to be passed as the this parameter to the target function when the callback function is called.
// remove all subscriptions which name equals to "eventName" and the target is undefined.
const obj={};
// remove all subscriptions which name equals to "eventName" and the target equals to obj.
event.off('eventName', { target: obj });
Clear subscriptions by event name
- name: event name.
- clearAllIfNameIsNil: whether clear all subscriptions if event name is null or undefined.
// remove all subscriptions which name equals to "eventName"
// remove all subscriptions;
event.off(null, true);
Bind the current method as a callback function for the specified event
- name(string|symbol, optional): event name, default use current method name.
- deferred(boolean, optional): whether to delay execution to the specified lifetime, such as 'onShow'.
- once(boolean, optional): whether to trigger only once.
- global(boolean, optional): whether to register as a global event.
Register events and automatically unbind events when the page or component is destroyed.
- onLifetime(string, optional): the lifetime for initializing events.
- deferralLifetime(string, optional): the lifetime for deferring events.
- offLifetime(string, optional): the lifetime for destroying events.
import { event, bindEvent } from 'mp-event';
import { Page, page } from 'wxa-core';
export default class extends Page{
//do something
Global event options can be set by binding Page or Component's prototype properties in entry file.
import { event } from 'mp-event';
import { Page, Component } from 'wxa-core';
onLifetime: 'onLoad',
offLifetime: 'onUnload',
deferralLifetime: 'onShow'
}, Page);
onLifetime: 'attached',
offLifetime: 'detached',
deferralLifetime: 'show'
}, Component);