An external program that uses OSC to read and write values on your avatar.
Just start it up, give it a moment to connect, and you can start debugging as soon as the parameters appear :)
There are some parameters missing from my avatar...? Reset your OSC config in your radial menu (Options -> OSC) in VRChat.
Grayed out value: This is a built-in parameter that can't be changed from the program.
- Hovering values in the name field will show extra info about the parameter in the box on the left
- Hovering over the parameter count text will show you how many parameters you have per type
- You can drag the window around by holding it anywhere, other than the parameter table, and the link labels
- Middle clicking the window (not the titlebar of it) will reset it back to its default size
- Clicking any header in the data table will sort the entire table by that column first, and in ABC order second. Clicking it again reverses the sorting order.
- Unsort the list by right clicking or middle clicking the data table's header
- Clicking the Avatar ID, above the data table, will take you to the VRChat page of that avatar
- Clicking the link at the bottom left will take you to the local OSCQuery website where you can see all the avatar values as json data
You can find a search bar below the data list, where you can type in your keywords to find your parameters
Just typing in words (separated by commas or spaces) will get you fuzzy search results, searching for partial matches
Using "double" or 'single' quotation marks will search for exact matches. You can mix and match fuzzy and exact match search terms
/ and \ are interchangeable for ease of use
Bool: Since they only have 2 values, editing them will flip their values
Integer: These fields take whole numbers
Float: These fields take a number between -1 and 1, separated by a decimal point (or comma) if needed
Values can be edited by:
- Double left clicking
- Right clicking
- Enter key
- Space key
- F2
- F3