This is a tool within the Lintol system.
We recommend pipenv
, but any setuptools
compatible install method should work.
pipenv shell
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Or, for development,
pipenv shell
python3 -m pip install -r requirements-development.txt
python3 develop
From the project root directory.
ltldoorstep process tests/examples/data/protected_wrecks.geojson src/ltldoorstep_examples/ -e dask.threaded
python3 -m pytest tests
Start the doorstep
ltldoorstep serve --engine dask.threaded --protocol http
The following curl
command, run in the root of the doorstep-examples
folder runs the boundary-checker against some sample data.
SESSION=$(curl -s -q -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "module=lintol/boundary-checker/" -F 'ini={"definitions": {"boundary-checker": {"module": "boundary-checker", "settings": {"boundary": "$->ni"}, "supplementary": {"ni": {"location": "tests/data/osni-ni-outline-lowres.geojson", "source": "OSNI"}}}}};type=application/json' http://localhost:5000/processor | jq -r '._session'); echo $SESSION; curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "_session=$SESSION" -F "content=@tests/data/protected_wrecks.geojson;type=application/geojson;filename=protected_wrecks.geojson" http://localhost:5000/data; (curl "http://localhost:5000/report?_session=$SESSION" | jq)
A processor is a function that runs a specific check or validation against data. Several examples are included within the doorstep repository, in the `ltldoorstep_examples` module - these are:
Check out the lintol/doorstep-examples
repository for examples.
This takes in JSON files and checks all the points are within a particular boundary. You can test it against test/examples/data/protected_wrecks.geojson
This takes CSV data and checks the data records are valid - ie, no duplicates, valid IDs.
Can be tested against test/examples/data/bad.csv
This outputs the CSV file. Can be tested against test/examples/data/dispensing-by-contractor-june-2018.csv
A processor to categorise the file based on the location information.
To test use ltldoorstep process tests/examples/data/register-countries.json src/ltldoorstep_examples/ -e dask.threaded
Outputs data in a tabular format. Run the test for this using tests/examples/data/awful.csv
Processor to find any personally identifiable information within the data. This can be tested using test/examples/data/pii.csv
The data is checked against the open data the government has for location information on Can be tested using tests/examples/data/register-statistical-geography.csv
The data is checked to see if it is specific to Northern Ireland. This can be tested against test/examples/data/ni-hpi-by-property-type_package.json