Windowed Anisotropic Local Inverse Distance weighted (WALID) interpolation tool for riverbed mapping
This is a Python-based tool to generate river digital elevation models (DEM) from cross-sectional data. The /test_data folder contains inputs for testing.
- The control.txt file contains the user defined parameters of the interpolation algorithm in a punched card fashion.
- A simple delimited text file (*.xyz) contains the measured bathymetric data with a coordinate order [x, y, z].
- The thalweg.xy file contains the breakpoints of the river thalweg in a consecutive order [x, y].
- In case the interpolated DEM is required in a specific set of query poitns [x, y], the query.xy file should also be added to the directory where the script is executed.
The code provides outputs in standard text file and/or in ParaView file format.
Reference: Fleit. G (under review) Windowed Anisotropic Local Inverse Distance weighted (WALID) interpolation method for riverbed mapping. Acta Geophysica.
Example :: River DEM generated from cross-sectional bed elevation data