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Client configuration

Regunath B edited this page Dec 20, 2021 · 3 revisions

Client configuration

com.flipkart.flux.client.config.FluxClientConfiguration is part of flux client module, and used by the user to connect to Flux.

It has the following params

private String fluxRuntimeUrl = "http://localhost:9998/";
private String clientElbId = "defaultElbId";
private long socketTimeout = 10000;
private long connectionTimeout = 10000;
private String targetClientId = "flux-runtime-local" <DEFAULT FOR LOCAL> OR 
                                "flux-runtime-pre-prod" <FOR PRE-PROD> OR 
                                "flux-runtime-prod"; <FOR PROD>

As you see fluxRuntimeUrl points to localhost by default. clientElbId is the Execution Cluster endpoint identifier set to "defaultElbId" by default. To override the values, provide an implementation using Guice.

FluxClientConfiguration providesFluxConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
    return new FluxClientConfiguration(fluxRuntimeUrl, clientElbId, socketTimeout, connectionTimeout, targetClientId);

For using shared Execution Cluster, users should pass clientElbId value as "defaultElbId".
If above constructor is not called, above mentioned default values are set.


You can override the value of fluxRuntimeUrl, clientElbId and targetClientId by providing system property flux.runtimeUrl,flux.clientElbId and flux.targetClientId respectively as well.

-Dflux.clientElbId=<Execution Cluster endpoint identifier. "defaultElbId" for shared execution cluster.>
-Dflux.targetClientId=<flux runtime clientId : flux-runtime-local | flux-runtime-pre-prod | flux-runtime-prod>

If both of the above mentioned, then system property takes the precedence.

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