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3_Installing multirename
Getting the source you have serveral options: Download page for releases https://github.com/flobee/multirename/releases
(*nix based systems)
Install php and required modules:
# and the suggested packages
apt-get install php5-cli php5-json
To be mentiond: The default shell: For multirename it self: php is the shell. For shell scripts: /bin/dash was the default shell. Some output may be different when using bash. ash seems to be fine also.
Please use cygwin (http://cygwin.com). Native support will be in the future)
(Unix/Linux/BSD based systems)
(copy & past)
cd /tmp
wget https://github.com/flobee/multirename/blob/testing/deploy/multirename\
-1.4.1.tgz?raw=true -O multirename-1.4.1.tgz
tar -xf multirename-1.4.1.tgz
chmod +x multirename.phar
mv multirename.phar /usr/local/bin/multirename
multirename --help
Checkout the code and required library:
git clone https://github.com/flobee/multirename.git
cd multirename/
# checkout and update stable|testing|unstable
sh ./helper/gitupdate.sh [optional: stable|testing|unstable]
The files you will call directly (if not already done):
chmod +x <file>
1) Standard php usage (the src directory must be/stay intact):
2) Single file usage (using a *.jar like file which is called "phar")
(you can delete all other files. Everything is in that file)
1. Possible options to run:
1.1: php /path/where/src/multirename.php [--help|options]
1.2: /path/where/src/multirename [--help|options]
1.3: Make it global available:
Became root
ln -s /path/where/src/multirename /usr/local/bin/
multirename [--help|options]
2. For users who just want to use the program. Possible options:
2.1: /path/where/build/multirename.phar [--help|options]
2.2: Make it global available:
copy or move /path/where/build/multirename.phar to /usr/local/bin/multirename
multirename [--help|options]
Or (but build directory must be intact):
ln -s /path/where/build/multirename.phar /usr/local/bin/multirename
multirename [--help|options]
This is not a typical make but for most of you probably an interesting corner.
This shows you how to create your own multirename.phar file or building a new release.
- php make.php install
- php make.php clean
- php make.php deploy
You decided to use the bundled version (all files and required libraries in one file) for an easy usage. Use the file multirename.phar, thats all!
If you want to build it by yourself, run: php make.php install
Note: This requires php >= 5.4 and changes in your php.ini: Changes in the php.ini for the cli only is ok. The php.ini for web/ live enviroment: STOP: NOT OK!
e.g.: /etc/php5/cli/php.ini; Change:
";phar.readonly = On" to
"phar.readonly = 0" (drop semicolon, On to 0 (Off))
Then you are able to create your own multirename.phar file whichs bundles all nessasary files for the program to one file (Like *.jar files) and you can use that file which is more easy to handle.
If you dont see any errors, the "multirename.phar" were created. Please check if its working by running:
php multirename.phar --help
The first line must show: "[INFO] Usage:"
The performance of this bundle is nearly the same than using the standard sources for a php application (some people say it boost the performance...) Well :-) less disk IO can make sence.
On upgrades only "multirename.phar" needs to be updated. Checkout the deploy/ directory where i will add final versions.
Drops files created within the make script
Task for a new release of multirename or just updating the documentation. For more please have a look in the contributions section or at the docs/](./tree/stable/docs/CONTRIBUTE.txt)