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DeCoF is an acronym of the phrase Device Control Framework. DeCoF is a framework implemented in C++ that might be useful for a very common problem in embedded software engineering:

You engineer an embedded device of some sort and want to remote control that device from a PC or any other electronic device.

DeCoF is based on a, well, let's name it data centric approach. Data centric in this context means that interaction between the device and the remote control instance is purely based on modification of state of named objects rather than sending a bunch of messages back and forth.


System configuration

DeCoF distiguishes clearly between two distinct roles: There is a server that 'owns' a load of objects and one or more clients that want access to some or all of those objects.

The server consists of the server implementation that is coded against the DeCoF framework. The clients are most probably coded with some other framework. Both of which communicate over some connection using some protocol. Both are not finally defined by DeCoF but some useful implementations are provided.

Objects, parameters, events, and nodes

Objects are organized in a hierarchic tree structure. Each object has a name and exactly one parent. The only exception is the 'root' object which does not have a parent.

There a various different object types: Only node objects can hold child objects. Parameters are associated a value of a predefined, fixed value type. Events are objects without value but can be used to signal some event.

Parameter values can be of one of the following builtin value types:

  • boolean
  • integer
  • real
  • string
  • binary
  • a sequence type of each of the above listed primitive value types
  • a tuple type of any combination of the above listed primitive value types.

A node is a special parameter with value type sequence of strings that holds the names of its child parameters.

From the client's perspective, parameter values can be either readonly, writeonly, or readwrite. For readwrite parameters there is a special rule: Since those are for modification of the client side the framework does not support modification by the server implementation. As a best practice a modification operation on a writable parameter (i.e., writeonly and readwrite parameters) should be idempotent, i.e., the side effects on such an operation should be the same if carried out once or multiple times.

Access control

Clients access to objects is controlled by access control levels. Each object is assigned a writelevel for modifying operations (i.e., setting a parameter value or signalling an event) and/or a readlevel for non-modifying operations. Readonly parameters obviously only support a readlevel while writeonly parameters only have a writelevel.

Each client is assigned a userlevel. If a client wants to perform an operation on an object it must have a userlevel that is greater or equal to the objects respective access control level (i.e., readlevel or writelevel, respectively).

The following userlevels are supported:

  • Normal (0)
  • Service (1)
  • Maintenance (2)
  • Internal (3)

The semantics of the various userlevels are project specific.

Object dictionary

The object dictionary is the container of all parameter instances. The object dictionary itself is a node with an implementation specific name. All parameters are children or successors of the object dictionary node (i.e., the 'root' object).

Interaction models

The server framework supports two distinct models for interaction between clients and server:

  • Request/response model
  • Publish/subscribe model

Request/response model

In the 'classic' request/response model, the server framework allows the following abstract operations from clients on each parameter in the object dictionary:

  • Get operation (readable parameters and nodes only)
  • Set operation (modifiable parameters only)
  • Execute operation (events only)

Publish/subscribe model

In the publish/subscribe model, a client takes the role of a subscriber whereas the server has the role of a publisher. In this model the server framework allows the following abstract operations on each readable parameter and node in the object dictionary:

  • Subscribe operation
  • Unsubscribe operation
  • Notify operation

Subscribers can initiate subscribe und unsubscribe operations, whereas the notify operation is carried out on value changes by the publisher.

All those mentioned operations can be realized by messages sent back and forth in any protocol. The framework provides some useful protocols and even allows to write your own.


Discovery is a term that describes the process of finding out about the parameters available in a server's object dictionary. This can be carried out by traversing the parameter tree from node to node or by special discovery means.


Server side API

The server side API strives to model the above described concepts in a simple and convenient way. The following classes represent mentioned basic concepts:

  • decof::object_dictionary represents the object dictionary
  • decof::noderepresents a node object
  • decof::eventrepresents an event

Parameters are represented by a bunch of classes depending on their properties. Firstly, parameters are distinguished by their value type which is determined by a template type argument. Secondly, they are disciminated by the access mode they provide, i.e., whether they are readonly, writeonly, or readwrite. Thirdly, readable parameters are divided into managed and external parameters: A managed parameter holds the associated value within the parameter object, i.e., the value is 'managed' (or encapsulated) by the parameter object. An external parameter is only an empty wrapper with no value inside and provides getter and setter functions for access to the actual value. The obvious difference is, that managed parameters have full control over value accesses while external parameters don't. There are no managed writeonly parameters because writeonly parameters are considered useful for cases where the value representation differs significantly from the 'natural' representation of the respective type.

Hence, the list of classes representing parameters is as follows:

  • decof::managed_readonly_parameter<T>
  • decof::managed_readwrite_parameter<T>
  • decof::external_readonly_parameter<T>
  • decof::external_readwrite_parameter<T>
  • decof::writeonly_parameter<T>

All these classes provide (runtime) polymorphic functions (i.e., virtual functions) for the user to (re)act on parameter value accesses by clients. There are cases, however, where it is more convenient to (re)act on parameter value accesses by means of a non-member handler function or delegate. This pattern is supported by the following specialized 'handler' classes:

  • decof::managed_readwrite_handler_parameter<T>
  • decof::external_readonly_handler_parameter<T>
  • decof::external_readwrite_handler_parameter<T>
  • decof::writeonly_handler_parameter<T>

These classes provide a registration function for handlers of type std::function<> for each virtual function of the respective base class.

Overridable handler functions

The following table lists the overridable handler functions by parameter type.

Parameter Readonly Readwrite Writeonly
Managed None verify(T) N/a
External T external_value() T external_value()

Parameter value access functions

The following table lists the value access functions by parameter type.

Parameter Readonly Readwrite Writeonly
Managed T value()
const T& value_ref()
T value()
const T& value_ref()
External T value()
T value() None



There are several protocol implementations provided but the framework is intentionally open for new implementations.

Command line interface protocol

The command line interface (CLI) protocol is around for historical reasons and for its simplicity and usability when it comes to manual (terminal) interaction with a server.

The CLI protocol implements both the request/response and publish/subscribe interaction models as well as supports some simple discovery means.

Client/server model

The client/server interaction model is supported typically via TCP port 1998. Operations are encoded in ASCII text in the following manner:

[(] <operation> [']<path> [<value>] [)]

The parantheses and the ' are for historical reasons and optional.

<operation> can be one of:

  • param-ref or get for a get operation
  • param-set! or set for a set operation
  • exec or signalfor a execute operation

The former keywords are for historical reasons.

The value is only needed for set operations.

Publish/subscribe model

The publish/subscribe interaction model is supported typically via TCP port 1999. Operations are encoded in ASCII text in the same way as in the client/server model.

<operation> can be one of:

  • add or subscribe for a subscribe operation
  • remove or unsunscribe for a unsubscribe operation

The former keywords again are for historical reasons.

Path representation

The path represents an object within the object dictionary with its fully qualified name, seperated with a colon (:), e.g., root:node:my_parameter.

Value encoding

Values are encoded according to their type as follows:

  • boolean: #t for true and #f for false
  • integer: in stringified representation, e.g., -123
  • real: in stringified representation (may be scientific) with decimal point, e.g., -123.0 or -1.23e2
  • string: enclosed in double quotes (")
  • binary: prefixed with a &
  • sequences are enclosed in square brackets ([]) with the individual elements seperated by commas (,)
  • tuples are enclosed in curly brackets ({}) with the individual elements separated by commas (,).

The CLI protocol supports a simple dicovery means by using the operation param-disp or browse. The output is a textual representation of the objects in the object dictionary.

SCGI protocol


The Simple Common Gateway Interface protocol is used by many webservers such as Apache, Nginx, and Lighttpd, as backend protocol that overcomes the efficiency issues of 'classic' CGI. It is similar to FastCGI but easier to implement as it is not a binary protocol.

In conjunction with a webserver this protocol can be used with DeCoF2 servers to provide webservices for interaction with the object dictionary.

Objects are identified by the HTTP path within a HTTP GET, HTTP PUT, or HTTP POST request (e.g., /root/node/my_parameter), respectively. This protocol only supports the client/server model.

HTTP GET requests are used to read readable parameters. To modify any writable parameter use HTTP PUT. Since the latter is required to be idempotent (i.e., multiple invocations result in the same side effects as a single one) by the HTTP/1.1 spec (RFC2616, clause §9.1.2) a HTTP POST request is required to invoke an event which likely modifies state in a non-idempotent way.

For historical reasons, a HTTP GET request to the special path /browse returns a proprietary XML representation of the object tree.

Value encoding

This chapter specifies the value encoding that this implementation produces in GET requests and expects in PUT requests. The value encoding is chosen for best interaction with Javascript and the XMLHttpRequest function as being standardized by the W3C.

For this reason, numeric primitive (integer, real) and boolean type values are encoded as a Javascript literal that can be converted to a Javascript number using the Number() global function. String and binary parameters are encoded as is.

Sequences of numeric types are encoded for use with Javascript Typed Arrays. Javascript Typed Arrays are binary data buffers that require a Typed Array View for access to the individual elements of the array. Multibyte numbers are always encoded in little-endian byte order as clients will be x86-based in most cases.

  • Sequences of boolean types are encoded in one octet per value being 1 for true and zero for false for use with Uint8Array.
  • Sequences of integer types are encoded with four octets per value for use with Int32Array.
  • Sequences of real types are encoded with eight bytes per value according to double precision IEEE 754 for use with Float64Array.

Sequences of string and binary types are encoded with their individual elements encoded as Bencode strings, separated by CR+LF.

The individual elements of a tuple type are encoded

  • like non-sequence types in case of a numeric type, and
  • as a Bencode string in case of string and binary types

and separated by CR+LF.


DeCoF2 has the following link-time dependencies:

  • Boost 1.56 (required: system, optional: thread, unit_test_framework)


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