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Grounding Large Language Models with Online Reinforcement Learning

This repository contains the code used for our paper Grounding Large Language Models with Online Reinforcement Learning.

You can find more information on our website.

We perform functional grounding of LLMs' knowledge in BabyAI-Text using the GLAM method: Main schema

We release our BabyAI-Text environment along with the code to perform our experiments (both training agents and evaluating their performance). We rely on the Lamorel library to use LLMs.

Our repository is structured as follows:

📦 Grounding_LLMs_with_online_RL
┣ 📂 babyai-text -- our BabyAI-Text environment
┣ 📂 experiments -- code for our experiments
┃ ┣ 📂 agents -- implementation of all our agents
┃ ┃ ┣ 📂 bot -- bot agent leveraging BabyAI's bot
┃ ┃ ┣ 📂 random_agent -- agent playing uniformly random
┃ ┃ ┣ 📂 drrn -- DRRN agent from here
┃ ┃ ┣ 📂 ppo -- agents using PPO
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜 -- SymbolicPPO adapted from BabyAI's PPO
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜 -- our LLM agent grounded using PPO
┃ ┣ 📂 configs -- Lamorel configs for our experiments
┃ ┣ 📂 slurm -- utils scripts to launch our experiments on a SLURM cluster
┃ ┣ 📂 campaign -- SLURM scripts used to launch our experiments
┃ ┣ 📜 -- train agents using BabyAI-Text (LLMs and DRRN) -> contains our implementation of PPO loss for LLMs as well as additional heads on top of LLMs
┃ ┣ 📜 -- train SymbolicPPO on BabyAI (with BabyAI-Text's tasks)
┃ ┣ 📜 -- generalization tests of trained agents
┃ ┣ 📜 -- utils to format results
┃ ┗ 📜 -- code to perform Behavioral Cloning on an LLM using trajectories

Installation steps

  1. Create conda env
conda create -n dlp python=3.10.8; conda activate dlp
  1. Install PyTorch
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
  1. Install packages required by our package
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install BabyAI-Text: See installation details in the babyai-text package

  2. Install Lamorel

git clone; cd lamorel/lamorel; pip install -e .; cd ../..


Please use Lamorel along with our configs. You can find examples of our training scripts in campaign.

Training a Language Model

To train a Language Model on a BabyAI-Text environment, one must use the file. This script (launched with Lamorel) uses the following config entries:

  seed: 1
  number_envs: 2 # Number of parallel envs to launch (steps will be synchronized, i.e. a step call will return number_envs observations)
  num_steps: 1000 # Total number of training steps
  max_episode_steps: 3 # Maximum number of steps in a single episode
  frames_per_proc: 40 # The number of collected transitions to perform a PPO update will be frames_per_proc*number_envs
  discount: 0.99 # Discount factor used in PPO
  lr: 1e-6 # Learning rate used to finetune the LLM
  beta1: 0.9 # PPO's hyperparameter
  beta2: 0.999 # PPO's hyperparameter
  gae_lambda: 0.99 # PPO's hyperparameter
  entropy_coef: 0.01 # PPO's hyperparameter
  value_loss_coef: 0.5 # PPO's hyperparameter
  max_grad_norm: 0.5 # Maximum grad norm when updating the LLM's parameters
  adam_eps: 1e-5 # Adam's hyperparameter
  clip_eps: 0.2 # Epsilon used in PPO's losses clipping
  epochs: 4 # Number of PPO epochs performed on each set of collected trajectories
  batch_size: 16 # Minibatch size
  action_space: ["turn_left","turn_right","go_forward","pick_up","drop","toggle"] # Possible actions for the agent
  saving_path_logs: ??? # Where to store logs
  name_experiment: 'llm_mtrl' # Useful for logging
  name_model: 'T5small' # Useful for logging
  saving_path_model: ??? # Where to store the finetuned model
  name_environment: 'BabyAI-MixedTestLocal-v0' # BabiAI-Text's environment 
  load_embedding: true # Whether trained embedding layers should be loaded (useful when lm_args.pretrained=False). Setting both this and use_action_heads to True (lm_args.pretrained=False) creates our NPAE agent.
  use_action_heads: false # Whether action heads should be used instead of scoring. Setting both this and use_action_heads to True (lm_args.pretrained=False) creates our NPAE agent.
  template_test: 1 # Which prompt template to use to log evolution of action's probability (Section C of our paper). Choices or [1, 2].
  nbr_obs: 3 # Number of past observation used in the prompt

For the config entries related to the Language Model itself, please see Lamorel.

Evaluating performances on test episodes

To evaluate the performance of an agent (e.g. a trained LLM, BabyAI's bot...) on test tasks, use and set the following config entries:

  seed: 1
  number_envs: 2 # Number of parallel envs to launch (steps will be synchronized, i.e. a step call will return number_envs observations)
  max_episode_steps: 3 # Maximum number of steps in a single episode
  action_space: ["turn_left","turn_right","go_forward","pick_up","drop","toggle"] # Possible actions for the agent
  saving_path_logs: ??? # Where to store logs
  name_experiment: 'llm_mtrl' # Useful for logging
  name_model: 'T5small' # Useful for logging
  saving_path_model: ??? # Where to store the finetuned model
  name_environment: 'BabyAI-MixedTestLocal-v0' # BabiAI-Text's environment 
  load_embedding: true # Whether trained embedding layers should be loaded (useful when lm_args.pretrained=False). Setting both this and use_action_heads to True (lm_args.pretrained=False) creates our NPAE agent.
  use_action_heads: false # Whether action heads should be used instead of scoring. Setting both this and use_action_heads to True (lm_args.pretrained=False) creates our NPAE agent.
  nbr_obs: 3 # Number of past observation used in the prompt
  number_episodes: 10 # Number of test episodes
  language: 'english' # Useful to perform the French experiment (Section H4)
  zero_shot: true # Whether the zero-shot LLM (i.e. without finetuning should be used)
  modified_action_space: false # Whether a modified action space (e.g. different from the one seen during training) should be used
  new_action_space: #["rotate_left","rotate_right","move_ahead","take","release","switch"] # Modified action space
  im_learning: false # Whether a LLM produced with Behavioral Cloning should be used
  im_path: "" # Path to the LLM learned with Behavioral Cloning
  bot: false # Whether the BabyAI's bot agent should be used


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