This repository has been archived and is now read-only. Current Kettle development is in the kettle repository.
Kettle is the Fluid Project's experimental server-side platform, based on node.js.
The homepage for Kettle is at, with issue tracking at .
Kettle operates by executing Fluid Infusion and jQuery on the server-side, by means of jsdom and some other integration libraries.
Firstly, install node, and, if you like, npm.
Secondly, read the instructions for node.js module resolution - when running, kettle will expect to see the following modules in node_modules (lhs is npm name, rhs is git source)
htmlparser git://
jsdom git://
request git://
cssom git://
fluid-xhr [email protected]:fluid-project/xhr.git
From the checkout directory for kettle, run
node [--debug] src/main/webapp/kettle/js/V8Loader.js
you will see lots of bumpf and then finally
Server running on port 8080
The main configuration file is src/main/webapp/application/kettleConfig.json, which refers to applications in "appPaths" and mounts in "mounts". Und maunzen, und maunzen, und maunzen.