provides mr.bob templates to generate packages for
Plone projects.
Available templates are:
- Plone, Plone_nested: templates for a full featured Plone add-on, including:
Some answers to bob's questions can be pre-filled based on global configuration so you don't have to answer them every time. You can store this configuration either on you local computer, or if you are working in a team, somewhere online.
To create a Plone add-on first install mr.bob
the bobtemplates.fon
package and then run mrbob:
$ pip install mr.bob $ pip install bobtemplates.fon $ mrbob --config ~/.mrbob.ini -O bobtemplates:plone
Then answer some questions:
--> Name of the package: foo (namespace is already set in the ~/.mrbob.ini) ...
And your package is ready!