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Pianette = Piano + Manette

A full-fledged retro-engineering of a Playstation 2 Game Pad Controller that asynchronously listens to commands from various sources (GPIO, API, etc ...) and sends Serial commands to an ATMEGA328P acting as a fake SPI Slave for the Console running any configured game.

Written in Python

You can find more info on this article we wrote and on the corresponding hacknernews discussion.

Running Pianette

sudo is required to have access to GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi B+.

In command line, run :

sudo -i PYTHONIOENCODING="utf-8" ./ --enable-source gpio --enable-source api --select-game 'street-fighter-alpha-3' --select-player 1

The initialisation process is quite verbose to display all warnings and errors encountered.

Adding a new game

Games are actually Python modules that are imported on-demand, with a specific configuration and directory structure.

All games reside in the config/games directory. The following structure must be respected :

|-- games/
|   |-- name-of-the-game/
|   |   |--
|   |   |--
|   |   |-- general.ini
|   |   |--
|   |   |-- must be present, but it's actually just an empty file. defines custom functions that may be needed to play the game. It can be empty too. It must define functions in its global scope.

Any function defined in this file will be accessible in the game namespace :

# file :
# coding: utf-8
from pianette.utils import Debug
def my_function(*args, **kwargs):
  cmd = kwargs['cmd']
  game_configobj = kwargs['config']

  Debug.println("NOTICE", "Just playing a ✕")
  cmd.onecmd(" ✕")

This function can be called with optional-parameter or game.my_function optional-parameter (we prefer and encourage the first version using hyphens).

The config files (.ini) must define a couple of compulsory keys :

In general.ini :



# Can be empty, but the key must be defined


# Can be empty, but the key must be defined

In player1.ini and player1.ini:




# Can be empty, but the key must be defined

[[[Player 1]]]


# Can be empty, but the key must be defined

name-of-the-game must be the exact name of the module folder.

With this structure, you are able to select your game with --select-game name-of-the-game. And with the console :

pianette: name-of-the-game

Pianette cycles

A cycle is a single loop during which Pianette collects events from all its enabled sources to create a complete representation of a sequence of buttons that it then sends to the SPI port of the console.

This sequence emulates a real console controller.

The timing of the sequence is fixed and has been configured to match the behavior of the console.

To replicate the "combo" functionality (i.e. playing a sequence of buttons in a deterministic order giving a result that is more interesting than the separate playing of each buttons in a row), the loop has a grace period (configured as a number of Pianette cycles) during which Pianette listens to other incoming events to decide if the current representation should wait on future events before being sent to the console.

Available namespaces and commands

Pianette allows for different namespaces of commands to be used : console, game, piano, pianette and time.


NB : Some character replacements are available in this namespace for ease of use. Even if actual UTF-8 values are prefered when possible, you can use the replacement without affecting the functionality.

↑, ↓, ←, →, □, △, ✕ and ◯ can be replaced with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CROSS and CIRCLE respectively


Plays a controller button sequence for a single Pianette cycle.

Example :

pianette: console.hit ✕ + □

Note : The + operator is used to create a synchronous sequence of buttons

Plays a controller button sequence for a full Pianette cycle.

Example :

pianette: → + □



Enables a configured source. Once enabled, Pianette can accept events from the source. Currently supported sources are api and gpio.

Example :

pianette: pianette.enable-source gpio


Disables a previsouly enabled and configured source. Once enabled, Pianette cannot accept events from this source.

An example use case is to disable the gpio source when running a script along side, so the user cannot disturb the script

Selects an available game. If the module is not defined or the game not present, it will gracefully fails. If the module is present but that some configuration items are missing, an exception will be raised.

Example :

pianette: street-fighter-alpha-3

You must give the exact module / folder name as an argument of this function


Dumps the full state of the configuration. This is mostly a debug function; it accepts no arguments.

Example :

pianette: pianette.dump-state


NB : Some character replacements are available in this namespace for ease of use. Even if actual UTF-8 values are prefered when possible, you can use the replacement without affecting the functionality.

Specifically, ♯ and ♭ can be replaced with # and b. Chords aliases are also defined in the [[Alias]] configuration block in piano.ini.

Plays a chord, a pedal or a single note.

Example :

pianette: C3 + E♭3 + G3

Note : As for the console namespace, the + operator is used to create a synchronous sequence of keys


Holds a note, a pedal or a chord as long as piano.release is not called on the same sequence. The notes will be then added to every cycle afterwards.

Example :

pianette: piano.hold sostenato


Release a previously held note, pedal or chord.

Example :

pianette: piano.release sostenato

The hold and release methods are primarily used to take advantage of the pedals.


This namespace is populated with the custom functions defined in for each game module. Commands defined in the game's configuration files are also added to this namespace.

If no game is selected, this namespace doesn't have any command available.


This namespace only provides the time.sleep {duration_in_pianette_cycles} function that allows to pace the inputs as needed.

The Pianette API

Pianette exposes an API

The API is considered a source, so in order for it to work, you must enable it at launch or with the command pianette.enable-source api.

By default, the API base url is You can change the port in the configuration (pianette.ini).



The endpoint is relatively simple and allows you to send any namespaced command as a POST parameter named data:

  curl -X POST -F ' START + RESET' /

POST /namespace/command

This endpoint is a kind of alias for the first one. It allows you to limit the errors and send strongly-namespaced commands more easily.

  curl -X POST -F 'data=crash-nitro-kart' /pianette/select-game

The web interface

The web interface relies on the API to work, and thus is only available when the API is enabled. It offers a backend to control pianette, as well as virtual controllers that can be used to play remotely on the console.

In order for the web interface to work properly, the [[Hosts]] key of pianette.ini must be defined and the IP (or hostname) of the different pianette instances on the network must be set. If you only have one instance, you can define player-1 = only.

The virtual controller

The virtual controller is a #TODO

The admin backend



ATMEGA (Arduino)

The ArduinoSPISlave.ino sketch must be loaded onto the Arduino, connected via serial. The port is of no consequence as the program will poll the open /dev/ttyACM*ports and choose the first one available.


In order for SPI and i2c pins to work, it is compulsory to blacklist all modules that might be using it :

in /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf :

blacklist spi-bcm2708
blacklist i2c-bcm2708

blacklist regmap-spi
blacklist regmap-i2c

blacklist snd-pcm
blacklist snd-bcm2835
blacklist snd-seq
blacklist snd-timer
blacklist snd-seq-device
blacklist snd-soc-core
blacklist snd-soc-pcm512x
blacklist snd-soc-wm8804
blacklist snd-soc-bcm2708-i2s

blacklist leds-gpio

And to remove modules at boot time in /etc/modules, especially sound-related modules.

Disabling Serial port pins (UART)

In order to properly use pins 14, 15, and 18 that are used for UART, we must disable the boot up and diagnostic output to the serial port :

sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt

This :

dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait fbcon=map:10 4dpi.sclk=48000000 4dpi.compress=1

becomes :

dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait fbcon=map:10 4dpi.sclk=48000000 4dpi.compress=1

Second, we need to disable the login prompt :

sudo vi /etc/inittab

And comment out the last line :

# Spawn a getty on Raspberry Pi serial line
# T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100

Let's reboot and the serial port will now be free for our exclusive use. Note that Python will still issue a RuntimeWarning to indicate that you are overriding the pin's default state. This is ok, and taken into account in sources/ anyway.

Thanks to Ted B Hale for that :

Installing needed pip packages

The necessary Python packages have been freezed, so you can install them easily with :

pip install -r requirement.txt

And additionnally on the Pi :

pip install -r requirement-rpi.txt

Installing Pianette as a service

For ease of use, we provide a simple init script to start Pianette as a service on compatible systems :

sudo service pianette start|stop|restart|status

See the script, to put in /etc/init.d/ or wherever seems adequate.


Python version

For Flask to run correctly, we need Python3.3.6. It is recommended to use pyenv to use it, which can be installed via :

curl -L | bash

and then :

pyenv install 3.3.6



MIT. See the License file.