- generate fake data and reload index
go run example/main.go -fake -reload
or on subsequent runs with the same datago run example/main.go
- search via http://localhost:8080/?q=shirt
type IndexConfig struct {
ShardNum int // number of shards to use
ShardPath string // filepath to store shard index (if not in-memory)
IdField string // data field to be used as doc _id
StoreFields []string // fields to be stored in index; if not set, just use composite "_all"
AnalyzerConfig analyzer.ConfigMap // analyzer config to use per field. use "*" for any field
type SearchConfig struct {
Limit int // limit number of results returned; 0 will return all
From int // offset for paging results (to be used with limit)
SearchFields []string // fields to search the query; if not set, search composite "_all"
ReturnFields []string // stored fields to return when getting search results; see IndexConfig.StoreFields to manage fields youre storing
QueryConfig QueryConfig // this will have no effect if SearchConfig.SearchFields are not set
ScoreThreshold float64 // filter results below specified score. if not set, includes all
AnalyzerConfig analyzer.ConfigMap // analyzer config to use per field. use "*" for any field
// example with german analyzer config and default index and search config
ac := analyzer.NewConfig(analyzer.German).WithoutStem().WithLength(3, 15)
// make sure to use proper field names in index and search config
indexConfig := sled.NewDefaultIndexConfig("my-index", "id", false, *ac)
// in this case were using all of the fields to search and returning only "image", "title", "infos", "brand"
searchConfig := sled.NewDefaultSearchConfig(*ac,[]string{"image", "title", "infos", "brand"})
index, err := sled.NewIndex(indexConfig)
f, err := os.Open("data.json")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
var data []map[string]interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&data); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := index.BatchInsert(data); err != nil {
return nil, err
results, err := index.Search(ctx, q, searchConfig)
for _, hit := range results.Hits {
// do something with the hits
- In the current implementation its advised to use a single language per index
- For multiple languages in a single index, for valid results, one would need to specify language dependant fields (and thus cannot use _all for searching)