This is a modified version of the btv_sequencing pipeline from the Stenglein Lab at CSU. It was built for this purpose but has since been updated.
It is currently intended for use with paired-end, Illumina short-read sequences. In brief, it will:
- Trim low quality reads and adapters, then consolidate duplicates.
- Map retained reads against a custom reference database (provided in this repository).
- Use custom scripts to generate consensus sequences for each genome segment by re-mapping reads against the "best" (i.e. closest provided) reference sequences.
- Produce a MultiQC report with relevent metrics.
To use this pipeline:
- Ensure that samples are located in the same directory as these scripts, gzipped, and labeled as:
- Clone this repository into your working directory and ensure that the following dependencies are installed:
- fastQC, multiQC, mosdepth, picard
- bowtie2, trimmomatic, cd-Hit, samtools, bcftools
- Finally, initiate the pipeline by running the
script along with your<isolate name>
as a command line argument.
Please make sure to update local paths to TRIMMOMATIC .jar files or this pipeline will not work.