Applied Media Systems Group
Technische Universität Ilmenau
- What is Multirate Signal Processing? Where is it used?
- Python Example of a Discrete Time Signal
- Python Example for a Live Plot of a Microphone Signal
- Javascript Example for a Live Plot of a Microphone Signal
- Nyquist Theorem
- Simple Sample Rate Conversion Example
- Basic Building Blocks of Multirate Signal Processing
- Critical Sampling
- Analysis Filter Bank
- Synthesis Filter Bank
- Uniform Filter Banks
- Python Example: Live Spectrogram and Aliasing
- Non-Uniform Frequency Decomposition
- Frequency Domain and Notation
- Common Types of Frequency Transforms:
- Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)
- Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
- Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
- z-Transform
- Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT)
- Frequency Response
- Example: Obtaining the Frequency Response of a "Black Box" system using Noise
- Example: Obtaining the Frequency Response of a "Black Box" system using Sweeping Sinusoid
- Frequency Response: z-Transform and the DTFT
- Example: Low Pass Filter as Moving Average
- Discrete Convolution as Matrix Multiplication (Sylvester Matrix)
- Plotting Poles and Zeros in the Complex Plane
- Complex Conjugate Symmetry
- Example: Low Pass Filter as Moving Average
- dB Revision
- dB for Voltage and Power
- Cascading Filters
- Ideal Low Pass Filter
- Frequency Response
- Impulse Response
- Delay (Shift Operator)
- Ideal Low Pass Filter
- Ideal Low Pass Filter
- Quadratic Error
- Parseval Theorem
- Rectangular Window
- Approximation of an Ideal Low Pass Filter using a Rectangular Window and Delay
- Ideal Low Pass Filter
- Rectangular Window
- Raised Cosine Window
- Kaiser Window
- Vorbis Specification
06b Filter Design with the Window Method:
- Design Method
- Design using Modulation
- Sampling a Discrete Time Signal
- Real-Time Python Example
- Downsampling
- Upsampling
- Modulation
- Time-Reversal
- Filter Banks
- Analysis Filter Bank
- Block Transforms
- Python Example
- Fast Implementation
10 Transforms as Filter Banks:
- Equivalent Analysis Filters of a DFT
- Equivalent Synthesis Filter Bank
- Python Example
- Example Transform as Filter Bank
11 DCT and Polyphase Representation:
- Notation
- Discrete Cosine Transfomr (DCT)
- Introduction to Polyphase Representation
- Analysis Filter Bank
- Python Polyphase Example
- Faster Implementation
- Application Example
- Auxiliary Functions
- Polyphase Representation
- Synthesis filter Bank
- Perfect Reconstruction
- Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (MDCT)
- MDCT Filters: Python Example
- Symmetries of a Cosine Modulation Function
- Sparse Matrices and the MDCT
- Python Computation
- The Delay Matrix
- Python Sympy Example
- Faster Numerical Python Implementation
- The Python Folding Matrix Function
- The Factorization
- Perfect Reconstruction
- Example in Python
- MDCT Python Implementation, Analysis
- MDCT Synthesis Filter Bank
- Low Delay Filter Banks (LDFB)
- Zero-Delay Matrix
- Maximum-Delay Matrix
- Python Fast Implementation Example
15 Optimization of Filter Banks:
- Goal
- Approach
- Newton's Method
- Gradient Descent
- Python Example for the Optimization of an MDCT Filter Bank
16 Artificial Neural Networks:
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Gradient Descent and Back-Propagation
- Python Example for the MNIST Digit Recognition
- Convolution Neural Networks
- Python Keras Convolutional Neural Network Example
- Implementation using Python Pytorch
- Implementation using a Dense Net
- Real-Time Online-Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks
16b Pytorch MNIST Digit Recognition with Webcam:
- Train the Pytorch Version of the MNIST handwitten digit recognizer
- Capture a handwritten digit using the webcam
- Try to recognize it with the recognizer, using suitable pre-processing to obtain the same format as the MNIST digit images.
Please check the following files at the 'binder' folder:
- environment.yml
- postBuild
Examples requiring a microphone will not work on remote environments such as Binder and Google Colab.