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Profiling with nSIM NCAM

Yuriy Kolerov edited this page Jul 27, 2023 · 1 revision

You can run nSIM in NCAM mode - Near Cycle-Accurate Mode. This mode activates counters that depend on micro-architectural simulations. It may be a good tool for optimization and exploration. NCAM's model is not cycle-accurate and it's not derived from RTL, but it's much faster than xCAM. If you need a cycle-accurate model then consider using xCAM models.

Use -on cycles to enable NCAM:

$ nsimdrv -tcf $NSIM_HOME/etc/tcf/templates/hs38_full.tcf -on cycles main.elf

Use -on nsim_print_stats_on_exit and -on ncam_profiling (this option enables more profiling counters) options to print simulation statistics at the end of a simulation:

$ arc-elf32-gcc -mcpu=archs -specs=hl.specs main.c -o main.elf
$ nsimdrv -tcf $NSIM_HOME/etc/tcf/templates/hs38_full.tcf -on cycles -on ncam_profiling \
          -on nsim_print_stats_on_exit main.elf
 Main Memory          |            Frequency|                    %
 Read                 |                   86|                54.09
 Write                |                   73|                45.91
 Total                |                  159|               100.00
 L1-I-CACHE           |            Frequency|                    %
 Read Hits            |                  770|                94.48
 Read Misses          |                   45|                 5.52
 Total                |                  815|               100.00
 L1-D-CACHE           |            Frequency|                    %
 RW Misses            |                   17|                 4.47
 RW Hits              |                  363|                95.53
 Read Hits            |                   89|                23.42
 Read Misses          |                    1|                 0.26
 Write Hits           |                  274|                94.48
 Write Misses         |                   16|                 4.21
 Dirty Misses         |                    0|                 0.00
 Span Lines           |                    2|                 0.53
 Double Miss          |                    0|                 0.00
 Total                |                  380|               100.00
 Description: FB-GShare Branch Predictor Statistics
 BPU (Two-Level)      |            Frequency|                    %
 Correctly Predicted  |                  327|                76.05
 Miss Predicted       |                  103|                23.95
 Conditional Misses   |                   26|                25.24
 Uconditional Misses  |                   77|                74.76
 Total                |                  430|               100.00

 Instruction          |            Frequency|                    %
 stw                  |                  302|                25.44
 nop                  |                  197|                16.60
 mov                  |                  128|                10.78
 neg                  |                    1|                 0.08
 div                  |                    1|                 0.08
 Delay Slot           |                   55|                 4.63
 Total                |                 1187|               100.00
 Execution Profile    |            Frequency|                    %
 Interpreted Inst     |                 1187|               100.00
 Cond Branches        |                  102|                 8.59
 Cond Branch Mispred  |                   26|                 2.19
 Ucond Branches       |                  121|                10.19
 Ucond Branch Mispred |                   77|                 6.49
 Total                |                 1187|               100.00
 Simulation Time      |              Seconds|                    %
 Simulation           |               0.0032|                99.72
 Hostlink             |               0.0000|                 0.28
 Total                |               0.0032|               100.00
 Instruction Count =   1187 [# Total]
 Simulation  Time  =   0.00 [Seconds]
 Simulation  Rate  =   0.38 [MIPS]
 Cycle Count       =   2766 [Cycles]
 CPI               =    2.330
 IPC               =    0.429
 Effective Clock   =   0.9 [MHz]

Use -on nsim_trace and -p nsim_trace-output=trace.txt options to trace instructions (omit nsim_trace-output if you want to print trace log right into stdout):

$ nsimdrv -tcf $NSIM_HOME/etc/tcf/templates/hs38_full.tcf -on nsim_trace \
          -p nsim_trace-output=trace.txt main.elf
$ head trace.txt

                nSIM, Version: 2023.03 (Build: 002)

[0x00000124] 0x226a0280                 K       lr             r2,[0xa] : (w0) r2 <= 0x00000000: aux[0x0a] => 0x00 *
[0x00000128] 0x224f04c2                 K       bset           r2,r2,0x13 : (w0) r2 <= 0x00080000 *
[0x0000012c] 0x20290080                 K       flag           r2 *
[0x00000130] 0x26ab740a 0x00000122   AD K       sr             00000122,0x290: aux[0x290] <= 0x122 *
[0x00000138] 0x220a3f80 0x00005c10   AD K       mov            gp,00005c10 : (w0) r26 <= 0x00005c10 *
[0x00000140] 0x42c3     0x00005b20   AD K       mov_s          r2,00005b20 : (w0) r2 <= 0x00005b20 *
[0x00000146] 0x26027083 0x00005e34   AD K       sub            r3,00005e34,r2 : (w0) r3 <= 0x00000314 *