The source code and slides of the MUG Lyon workgroup of 28/02/2013 (SignalR)
- The directory "MugLyon.SignalR.Demo.LiveCoding" contains files written in the workgroup.
- The directory "MugLyon.SignalR.Sample2" is the officiel sample (SignalR.Sample nuget package).
- The directory "MugLyon.SignalR.SharedWhiteBoard.Console" and "MugLyon.SignalR.SharedWhiteboard" is the last demo. A demo multi-platform, between a website and a console application. I have use the ebook of campusmvp for this demo (http://www.campusmvp.net/signalr-ebook/).
- The directory "MugLyon.SignalR.Demo" is my support to organize this workgroup.
- The file "muglyon-signalR.pptx" is the powerpoint
Event : http://muglyon-201302-eorg.eventbrite.fr/
MUG Lyon : @MUGLyon