- Flaunt your skills
- Use English
- If you already have an implementation of something much like this, give us a link. :)
- Make up a domain - manatee tracker, spaceship fitting editor, whatever
- Write a readme file that documents what you are about to do
- Implement the features
- Update readme to match and document what you learned
- Any language
- If you don't have a language or tool in mind, for example: http://mcavage.me/node-restify/
- Should persist changes
- Does not need to persist data outside process memory
- Any frontend or backend language
- List view: Fetch a list from API and render it
- Edit view: Show a single item and an edit form for it, which pushes changes to API
- Give us a link to a git repo (github, bitbucket, your own)
- We can provide usernames / public keys where applicable
- Repo can be public