% poetry install --no-root
From the project root directory, yamllint uses the .yamllint.yaml
file for configuration:
% yamllint .
From the root directory:
export DO_API_TOKEN=dop_v1_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Add the ssh key for the VM to the keychain
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_infra_ops # ssh key for the DO droplet
# Create a new DigitalOcean VM
ansible-playbook ./infrastructure/ansible/inventory/mgmt/digitalocean-demo-create.yaml
# Run a quick demo do verify ssh access
ansible-playbook -i ./infrastructure/ansible/inventory/sources/ ./infrastructure/ansible/inventory/mgmt/digitalocean-demo-shell-example.yaml
# Install k3s on the single VM
ansible-playbook -i ./infrastructure/ansible/inventory/sources/digitalocean.yaml ./infrastructure/ansible/k3s/install.yaml
# Copy the kubeconfig for the cluster to local; merge with existing kubeconfigs
ansible-playbook -i ./infrastructure/ansible/inventory/sources/ ./infrastructure/ansible/k3s/local-kube-config.yaml
# verify connectivity to k3s cluster
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get nodes
Created by Franco Posa (franco @ francoposa.io)