This is a bunch of script for building cross-compile environments that compile binaries runnable on the original operating systems that ship with various ebook readers. This is useful for compiling e.g. a kexec that allows switching to from the original operating system.
Supported devices:
- Kindle 4th gen
- Kindle 5th gen (untested)
If at some point in the future the above command fails because some of the requires files are no longer available at their previous URLs then you can find a backup inf the repo fread-ct-ng-backup which you can use like so:
cd ~/crosstool-ng-workdir/
mkdir -p .build
git clone .build
ct-ng build
and the build should complete correctly.
A pre-compiled version of kexec for kindle 4 is available in bin/
If this fails because the kexec-tools tarball is no longer available at the original URL, you can manually download it from the repo fread-kexec-backup and place it in this directory, then re-run ./
This is all based on NiLuJe's work. In fact the scripts in this repository rely heavily on NiLuJe's released scripts and tc-ng configurations: See their latest "Cross-compilation ToolChain & patches" in this thread especially the script within that file.