Write three Python programs (read this for a startup!) to crawl the following data for at least a week:
(i) Taiwan stocks' (e.g. ) daily closing-price, (ii) Taiwan's bank foreign currencies (e.g. USD, AUD, NZD, HKD, PND, EUR) daily exchange rate, (iii) Taiwan's daily HIGH and LOW temperatures.
Requirements: (1) Output your results in an Excel file; (2) Use 「BeautifulSoup」 Package to beautify your output; (3) Use 「Windows Scheduler」 to automate your Python program-(i) to (iii) to send results to an EXCEL file and your LINE NOTIFY.
大多是參考yaoandy107的教學 https://github.com/yaoandy107/line-bot-tutorial
在app.py檔案中 第26行:YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN 第28行:YOUR_SECRET 要改成自己Line的