This tool is a collection of small tools that can help "debugging" Affirm payroll issues
To run atpc, make sure you have Node.js > 18 installed.
To avoid issues with other projects it is recommended to install NVM but you can use other ways to handle your node versions.
After it is installed you must install version 18 and enable it in the current shell:
nvm install 18
nvm use 18
After that you need to clone this repo in any folder and download the dependencies of the project:
git clone
cd atpc
npm install
And then you should be able to execute the rest of the commands
This tool reads the PDFs of your payroll, please download all of them (or the ones that you want to check) and add them to the data/payroll
They should follow the original file name of YYYY_MM_DD_...... to be able to parse the correct month associated with the payroll.
After you have all the files in the proper place then run
npm run dev payroll -- --password XXXX
Password is your DNI as it is the one needed to open the files. That command will parse your payroll files and store all relevant information in a file named payroll.json in the /data folder This command needs to be run again every time you add new PDFs to update the JSON file. All check commands use this JSON file with the information as it is much easier to handle.
All forma commands (including downloading information) need a token to be able to connect to Forma API to get the token the first time (or when you get a 401-403) please do:
- Run
npm run dev forma login
. - At the prompt, enter your email address, then hit Enter.
- You'll be sent an email with a magic link. Go to your inbox and copy the link to your clipboard.
- At the prompt, paste your magic link, then hit Enter.
- You'll be logged in 🥳
To remember your login, ATPC stores a .formanator.json
file in your home directory with your access token.
Forma commands:
- login: Gets the authentication token to be able to run other commands
- benefits: List a table with all the benefits in your account and the current available balance
- categories: List all categories that can be used to report an expense associated with one of the benefits (needs a benefit name as parameter:
npm run dev forma categories -- --benefit Lifestyle
) - download: Downloads all the movements in the last 36 months (it can be adjusted with
-- --months XX
The check wallets command requires all data to be downloaded before it can run: npm run dev forma download
Currently 4 checks have been implemented:
npm run dev check wallets
This will try to match the reported amount in your payroll with the information in Forma, the expense cut date is not fixed, this tool uses the 14th of each month as the cut date but Affirm will not even do the cutoff on 14 or at the same time. This will output a report with the calculated wallet expenses per month and the total in the payroll with diff between the two. As the cut date is impossible to predict some expenses are not correctly categorized so it is interesting to check if the diff in one month's payroll is fixed the next month.
npm run dev check sodexo
This is just a simple reporter that shows the amount of Sodexo food reported in the payroll, as this tool does not connect with Sodexo it is just to be able the see the amount easily. If examples are provided I can include other Sodexo-related data.
npm run dev check rsu
npm run dev check rsu -- --api <api>
This report does need your Schwab data to run, you can download it from select "Equity Award Center" and "Date Range" -> "All" click Search and then click on "Export" on the top of the page, select JSON and store the file in /data, it should be named as "EquityAwards....json" and a single file with that name format should exist in the folder.
This report crosses data from your payroll and Schwab and tells you the number of RSUs vested per month how many were sold/kept (and price) based on Schwab data and the amount (money) reported in your payroll (as sold/kept and as taxes), it also does the calculation of the conversion rate for the payroll info as the sold/kept rate should match. You can also pass an API token for to be able to pull exchange rates for the vesting days and compare them with the calculated ones.
npm run dev check sallary
This report will show you an estimation of the gross sallary based on each month payroll. It does account for Antiguedad and Sodexo fields (only resturant if you have others please let me know)
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