You'll have to take my word for it that it will improve the damn game. 🦷
- Improved Ray-Tracing functions ( Player:GetEyeTrace(), Player:GetEyeTraceNoCursor(), etc. )
- Improved ENT:BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer base_gmodentity ( automatic replacement wiremod fix )
- Improved sky_paint matproxy ( significant reduction in garbage creation )
- Improved GM:HUDDrawTargetID ( using Player:GetEyeTrace() and minor changes )
- Improved Sandbox ENT`s ( lights, lamps, emitters, thrusters and hoverballs )
For best performance of these functions I use previous tables to prevent creating new ones. But this can cause conflict in some cases.
If this happens, just remove the line that forces the use of the previous table TraceConfig.output = ...
sky_paint material proxies are updated only once except for the stars position. If you want to return the ability to edit the sky, uncomment the code provided in sky_paint.lua