Add imageAddNewLine option.
Show shortcuts in the quotes dropdown.
Clear formatting is cleaning block tags style, not only the inline styles.
When pasting the cursor is now placed at the end of the most inner text element.
Add feedback when a wrong link is inserted for video.
Add support for placeholders higher than editor height.
Add support for using Youtube params in URL.
Improve list style type recognition when pasting from Word.
Improve space retention around void elements.
Improve the pasting of new lines from plain text.
Improve support for htmlUntouched option.
Improve dragging text in IE.
New lines were added with multiLine option disabled.
Incorrect position of the Image Manager tags when using Font Awesome 5.
Microsoft Word was pasting images incorrectly when formulas were on the page.
Blockquotes in empty editor were not being removed.
Image caption was adding unwanted non-breaking spaces when switching to code view.
Sticky toolbar was working incorrectly in Firefox.
Advanced list buttons were aligned incorrectly in RTL mode.
Focusing in an empty editor was adding an unwanted new line at the top in Firefox.
Blur event was triggered incorrectly in IE when selecting an option from dropdowns.
Adding lists inside a table was causing incorrect HTML markup depending on the selection.
Clicking on image caption was triggering the blur event.
The quick insert button was positioned incorrectly in iframe mode.
Image size was not kept correctly when adding a caption.
Pasting was possible in disabled mode.
Video popup was not showing when a single option was used for inserting videos.
Pasting in iOS was not passing the HTML in the paste events.
The video removed event was fired twice.
Enter key action was working in contenteditable="false" elements.
Choosing a cell color was raising an error depending on the mouse position.
Deleting a link using keyboard was still retaining the empty link tag.
Error on hitting ESC key with a popup open.
The selected element was not returned correctly in IE for the first paragraph.
Insert link shortcut was not working.
Clear formatting was removing links inconsistently.
Removing colors from the text was not working sometimes.
XSS issue when inserting specific links.
Pasting in Safari was showing RAW HTML.
Emoticons popup was not showing.
You can’t perform that action at this time.