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Releases: froala/wysiwyg-editor

Release 3.0.0

13 Jun 09:55
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Release 3.0.0

Release 3.0.0-rc.2

06 Jun 09:49
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Release 3.0.0-rc.2

Release 3.0.0-rc.1

28 May 13:11
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Release 3.0.0-rc.1

Release 3.0.0-beta.2

23 May 13:57
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  • Update froala_editor.pkgd.min.js file to include only Froala plugins, without third party integrations.
  • Create plugins.pkdg.min.js file to include Froala Editor plugins only.
  • Enhancements:
    • Update toolbar spacings on mobile devices.
    • Improve spacing for Font Awesome plugin icons.
    • Spacing for the align dropdown icons.
  • Hotfixes:
    • Fullscreen has rounded corners.
    • CSS error in IE.
    • Link shortcuts insert links in the wrong place.
    • Using ENTER_BR mode throws an error when using the quick insert tool.
    • Save requests are sent in a wrong format.
    • Fullscreen height is not updated when toggling the second toolbar.
    • Dropdowns scroll is cut on Chrome / MacOS.
    • Table popups are positioned incorrectly.
    • Using Font Awesome 5 plugins for toolbar makes the icons very large.
    • Image manager buttons have an incorrect size depending on the website CSS rules.
    • Dropdowns are not closing all the time when using the inline toolbar.

Release 3.0.0-beta.1

15 May 11:31
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  • Remove jQuery.
  • Update the UI.
  • Add custom made SVG icons.
  • Introduce smart toolbar.
  • Introduce tabs to the emoticons plugin.
  • Redesign Font Awesome from modal to popup.
  • Redesign Special Characters from modal to popup.
  • Split the colors button to separate text and background buttons.
  • Add separate buttons for the align options.
  • Move edit in popup feature to a separate plugin.

Release 2.9.5

12 Apr 09:59
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Release 2.9.5

Release 2.9.4

08 Apr 10:29
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  • Enhancements:
    • Improved selection via Ctrl+Shift+Arrow (or Option+Shift+Arrow).
    • Reposition quick insert to the right of the cursor in fullscreen.
    • Pasting with linkAlwaysBlank option enabled.
    • Image caption translation.
    • Pasted URL does not become clickable in FF when "iframe: true".
    • Long placeholder text wraps outside bounds of editor on narrow screen.
    • Improved tooltips positioning.
    • Inline editor toolbar doesn't hide on text paste from Clipboard for Image caption.
    • Improve Word Paste for lists, images, links, tables, margins.
    • Improve Word Paste for excel like color, font-family.
  • Hotfixes:
    • Broken event handlers since 2.9.2.
    • Exiting fullscreen mode breaks layout in Firefox.
    • Pasting links into Froala within Bootstrap Modal scrolls page to top.
    • Toolbar is not sticky in Bootstrap modal.
    • Pasting on iOS since Froala 2.9.3.
    • Stray br elements in dom when clearing list by hitting backspace.
    • Edit video popup not showing.
    • All style reset to default after pasting any content from Chrome Search Bar.
    • imageResizeWithPercent not working.
    • Image upload cancel doesn't work correctly.
    • Copy / paste from another FE instance.
    • Width is not set on new table rows.
    • Print is adding an additional blank page.
    • Image has black content.
    • Improved accessibility for image and tables
    • Deleting the last character of a paragraph deletes that paragraph.
    • keepFormatOnDelete is not working correctly
    • Editing a font awesome icon causes the material-icon icon to disappear
    • Quick insert doesn't work right with toolbarInline: true
    • Focus event is not fired
    • Code View scrollbar in fullscreen mode IE
    • Trivial bug in documentReady mode
    • Font size for Font Awesome icon cannot be changed
    • Bug when adding an image that has a caption and a hyperlink.
    • cssText not working correctly in Safari
    • Image click issues

Release 2.9.3

13 Feb 13:33
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  • Add imageAddNewLine option.
  • Enhancements:
    • Show shortcuts in the quotes dropdown.
    • Clear formatting is cleaning block tags style, not only the inline styles.
    • When pasting the cursor is now placed at the end of the most inner text element.
    • Add feedback when a wrong link is inserted for video.
    • Add support for placeholders higher than editor height.
    • Add support for using Youtube params in URL.
    • Improve list style type recognition when pasting from Word.
    • Improve space retention around void elements.
    • Improve the pasting of new lines from plain text.
    • Improve support for htmlUntouched option.
    • Improve dragging text in IE.
  • Hotfixes:
    • New lines were added with multiLine option disabled.
    • Incorrect position of the Image Manager tags when using Font Awesome 5.
    • Microsoft Word was pasting images incorrectly when formulas were on the page.
    • Blockquotes in empty editor were not being removed.
    • Image caption was adding unwanted non-breaking spaces when switching to code view.
    • Sticky toolbar was working incorrectly in Firefox.
    • Advanced list buttons were aligned incorrectly in RTL mode.
    • Focusing in an empty editor was adding an unwanted new line at the top in Firefox.
    • Blur event was triggered incorrectly in IE when selecting an option from dropdowns.
    • Adding lists inside a table was causing incorrect HTML markup depending on the selection.
    • Clicking on image caption was triggering the blur event.
    • The quick insert button was positioned incorrectly in iframe mode.
    • Image size was not kept correctly when adding a caption.
    • Pasting was possible in disabled mode.
    • Video popup was not showing when a single option was used for inserting videos.
    • Pasting in iOS was not passing the HTML in the paste events.
    • The video removed event was fired twice.
    • Enter key action was working in contenteditable="false" elements.
    • Choosing a cell color was raising an error depending on the mouse position.
    • Deleting a link using keyboard was still retaining the empty link tag.
    • Error on hitting ESC key with a popup open.
    • The selected element was not returned correctly in IE for the first paragraph.
    • Insert link shortcut was not working.
    • Clear formatting was removing links inconsistently.
    • Removing colors from the text was not working sometimes.
    • XSS issue when inserting specific links.
    • Pasting in Safari was showing RAW HTML.
    • Emoticons popup was not showing.

Release 2.9.2

31 Jan 14:05
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  • Add 'aria' to htmlAllowedAttrs option.
  • Expose showProgressBar in video plugin.
  • Allow whitespace characters in embedded iframes.
  • Update wordAllowedStyleProps to retain table borders.
  • Add 'webp' to imageAllowedTypes option.
  • Add inline alignment CSS property when the alinment is changed.
  • Enhancements
    • Keep format on drag&drop inside the editor.
    • Enable multiple editors to use code view when using a shared toolbar.
    • Use onload event instead of addEventListener to overcome loading problems in Ionic.
    • Code view was not disabling the OL and UL toolbar buttons.
    • Improve pasting lists from MS Word.
    • Enable fullscreen option when using the editor inside Bootstrap modals.
    • Reposition popups when they exceed the window on the right side.
    • Improve plain paste in Chrome browser.
    • Improve Russian translation.
    • Improve PT_BR translation.
    • Use times symbold instead of Font Awesome for the modal dismiss button.
    • Use imageAllowedTypes option for the quick insert image button.
    • Improve display of the inline styles in the toolbar dropdown.
  • Hotfixes
    • Shortcuts for quote were showing when shorcuts were disabled.
    • New lines inside PRE tags were removed on paste.
    • Applying inline style to links was creating an extra empty SPAN tag.
    • Non breaking spaces were added when switching to code view for specific HTML.
    • Font Awesome icons were duplicated on backspace.
    • Pasting from Microsoft Excel was inserting an image instead of HTML.
    • Pasting from Microsoft Word was adding empty anchor tags.
    • Pasting large images (over 50Mb) was crashing the Chrome browser.
    • Images were not draggable when selected.
    • Toolbar was overlapping the editor body on iOS when height options were used.
    • Disabling image uploads and manually setting imageInsertButtons to exclude imageUpload was causing an empty popup.
    • Editor was scrolling to the top when using Enter/Delete on a long page on Android devices.
    • Extra space was added in fullscreen on iOS.
    • Inline toolbar was not accessible anymore after using the bold command in an empty editor.
    • Removing horizontal line was causing an error on Windows 10.
    • When using the iframe option, the size of the editor was not updated correctly after using Embedly plugin.
    • Color popup was showing colors incorrectly sometimes.
    • Default options where not working correctly for list styles.
    • Changing list type in nested lists was creating a blank list item.
    • Replacing video with an embedded iframe was causing an error.

Release 2.9.1

13 Nov 16:50
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  • Enhancements:
    • Improve support for Font Awesome 5.
  • Hotfixes
    • Problems with rendering advanced list buttons.