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add message with custom emoji deletion
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Lavshyak committed Dec 24, 2024
1 parent dfa46b2 commit 71d1a09
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Showing 3 changed files with 119 additions and 38 deletions.
140 changes: 104 additions & 36 deletions src/VahterBanBot/Bot.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open Telegram.Bot
open Telegram.Bot.Types
open Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums
open Telegram.Bot.Types.ReplyMarkups
open VahterBanBot.ML
open VahterBanBot.Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,6 +447,40 @@ let killSpammerAutomated
logger.LogInformation logMsg

let deleteSpamMessageAutomated
(botClient: ITelegramBotClient)
(botConfig: BotConfiguration)
(message: Message)
(logger: ILogger)
(deleteType: string)
= task {
use banOnReplyActivity = botActivity.StartActivity("deleteSpamMessageAutomated")
.SetTag("spammerId", message.From.Id)
.SetTag("spammerUsername", message.From.Username)

// delete message
do! botClient.DeleteMessageAsync(ChatId(message.Chat.Id), message.MessageId)
|> safeTaskAwait (fun e -> logger.LogError ($"Failed to delete message {message.MessageId} from chat {message.Chat.Id}", e))
// 0 here is the bot itself
do! DbBanned.banMessage 0 message
|> DB.banUserByBot

let logMsg = $"Deleted {deleteType} spam in {prependUsername message.Chat.Username} ({message.Chat.Id}) from {prependUsername message.From.Username} ({message.From.Id}) with text:\n{message.TextOrCaption}"

let! replyMarkup = task {
let data = CallbackMessage.NotASpam { message = message }
let! callback = DB.newCallback data
return InlineKeyboardMarkup [
InlineKeyboardButton.WithCallbackData("✅ NOT a spam", string

// log both to logger and to logs channel
do! botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(ChatId(botConfig.LogsChannelId), logMsg, replyMarkup = replyMarkup) |> taskIgnore
logger.LogInformation logMsg

let autoBan
(botUser: DbUser)
(botClient: ITelegramBotClient)
Expand All @@ -470,6 +505,19 @@ let autoBan
do! botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(ChatId(botConfig.LogsChannelId), msg) |> taskIgnore

let calculateCustomEmojiProportion
(message: Message) : float option =

let textLen = message.Text |> Seq.where(fun c -> not (" :.,\n\r".Contains c)) |> Seq.length
let customEmojiCount = message.Entities |> Array.where(fun e -> e.Type = MessageEntityType.CustomEmoji) |> Array.length

if customEmojiCount = 0 || textLen = 0 then
let proportion = float customEmojiCount / float textLen
Some proportion

let justMessage
(botUser: DbUser)
(botClient: ITelegramBotClient)
Expand All @@ -492,48 +540,68 @@ let justMessage
// just delete message and move on
do! botClient.DeleteMessageAsync(ChatId(message.Chat.Id), message.MessageId)
|> safeTaskAwait (fun e -> logger.LogError ($"Failed to delete message {message.MessageId} from chat {message.Chat.Id}", e))

elif botConfig.MlEnabled && message.TextOrCaption <> null then
use mlActivity = botActivity.StartActivity("mlPrediction")
// set to true if Ml or other antispam deleted message
let mutable messageIsDeleted = false

let shouldBeSkipped =
// skip prediction for vahters or local admins
if botConfig.AllowedUsers.ContainsValue message.From.Id
|| UpdateChatAdmins.Admins.Contains message.From.Id then
// ML
if not messageIsDeleted && botConfig.MlEnabled && message.TextOrCaption <> null then
use mlActivity = botActivity.StartActivity("mlPrediction")

let shouldBeSkipped =
// skip prediction for vahters or local admins
if botConfig.AllowedUsers.ContainsValue message.From.Id
|| UpdateChatAdmins.Admins.Contains message.From.Id then

match botConfig.MlStopWordsInChats.TryGetValue message.Chat.Id with
| true, stopWords ->
|> Seq.exists (fun sw -> message.TextOrCaption.Contains(sw, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
| _ -> false
%mlActivity.SetTag("skipPrediction", shouldBeSkipped)

if not shouldBeSkipped then
let! usrMsgCount = DB.countUniqueUserMsg message.From.Id
match botConfig.MlStopWordsInChats.TryGetValue message.Chat.Id with
| true, stopWords ->
|> Seq.exists (fun sw -> message.TextOrCaption.Contains(sw, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
| _ -> false
%mlActivity.SetTag("skipPrediction", shouldBeSkipped)

match ml.Predict(message.TextOrCaption, usrMsgCount) with
| Some prediction ->
%mlActivity.SetTag("spamScoreMl", prediction.Score)
if not shouldBeSkipped then
let! usrMsgCount = DB.countUniqueUserMsg message.From.Id

if prediction.Score >= botConfig.MlSpamThreshold then
// delete message
do! killSpammerAutomated botClient botConfig message logger botConfig.MlSpamDeletionEnabled prediction.Score

if botConfig.MlSpamAutobanEnabled then
// trigger auto-ban check
do! autoBan botUser botClient botConfig message logger
elif prediction.Score >= botConfig.MlWarningThreshold then
// just warn
do! killSpammerAutomated botClient botConfig message logger false prediction.Score
// not a spam
match ml.Predict(message.TextOrCaption, usrMsgCount) with
| Some prediction ->
%mlActivity.SetTag("spamScoreMl", prediction.Score)

if prediction.Score >= botConfig.MlSpamThreshold then
// delete message
do! killSpammerAutomated botClient botConfig message logger botConfig.MlSpamDeletionEnabled prediction.Score
messageIsDeleted <- true

if botConfig.MlSpamAutobanEnabled then
// trigger auto-ban check
do! autoBan botUser botClient botConfig message logger
elif prediction.Score >= botConfig.MlWarningThreshold then
// just warn
do! killSpammerAutomated botClient botConfig message logger false prediction.Score
// not a spam
| None ->
// no prediction (error or not ready yet)
| None ->
// no prediction (error or not ready yet)

// emoji
if not messageIsDeleted
&& botConfig.BanCustomEmojiEnabled
&& message.TextOrCaption <> null
&& botUser.created_at > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-botConfig.BanCustomEmojiRegisteredInDbDaysToDontBan)
&& message.TextOrCaption.Length >= botConfig.BanCustomEmojiTextMinLen
let! usrMsgCount = DB.countUniqueUserMsg message.From.Id
if usrMsgCount < botConfig.BanCustomEmojiPreviousMessagesCountToDontBan then
let customEmojiProportion = calculateCustomEmojiProportion message
if customEmojiProportion.IsSome && customEmojiProportion.Value >= botConfig.BanCustomEmojiProportionToBan then
// delete message
do! deleteSpamMessageAutomated botClient botConfig message logger "emoji"
messageIsDeleted <- true

|> DbMessage.newMessage
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/VahterBanBot/Program.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,13 @@ let botConf =
MlSpamThreshold = getEnvOr "ML_SPAM_THRESHOLD" "0.5" |> single
MlWarningThreshold = getEnvOr "ML_WARNING_THRESHOLD" "0.0" |> single
MlMaxNumberOfIterations = getEnvOr "ML_MAX_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS" "50" |> int
MlStopWordsInChats = getEnvOr "ML_STOP_WORDS_IN_CHATS" "{}" |> fromJson }
MlStopWordsInChats = getEnvOr "ML_STOP_WORDS_IN_CHATS" "{}" |> fromJson

BanCustomEmojiEnabled = getEnvOr "BAN_CUSTOM_EMOJI_Enabled" "false" |> bool.Parse
BanCustomEmojiProportionToBan = getEnvOr "BAN_CUSTOM_EMOJI_PROPORTION_TO_BAN" "0.3" |> float
BanCustomEmojiPreviousMessagesCountToDontBan = getEnvOr "BAN_CUSTOM_EMOJI_PREVIOUS_MESSAGES_COUNT_TO_DONT_BAN" "5" |> int32
BanCustomEmojiRegisteredInDbDaysToDontBan = getEnvOr "BAN_CUSTOM_EMOJI_REGISTERED_IN_DB_DAYS_TO_DONT_BAN" "80" |> int32
BanCustomEmojiTextMinLen = getEnvOr "BAN_CUSTOM_TEXT_MIN_LEN" "10" |> int32}

let validateApiKey (ctx : HttpContext) =
match ctx.TryGetRequestHeader "X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token" with
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/VahterBanBot/Types.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,14 @@ type BotConfiguration =
MlSpamThreshold: single
MlWarningThreshold: single
MlMaxNumberOfIterations: int
MlStopWordsInChats: Dictionary<int64, string list> }
MlStopWordsInChats: Dictionary<int64, string list>

BanCustomEmojiEnabled : bool
BanCustomEmojiProportionToBan : float
BanCustomEmojiPreviousMessagesCountToDontBan : int32
// if user registered in DB greater than N days, he won't be banned
BanCustomEmojiRegisteredInDbDaysToDontBan : int32
BanCustomEmojiTextMinLen : int32}

type DbUser =
Expand Down

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