This repository has been archived by the owner on May 13, 2024. It is now read-only.
Second, Fully Operational Release
Protokollvorlage für das physikalische Anfängerpraktikum am KIT (v1.1.0)
Some corrections have been applied since the first release:
- Added an additional makefile entry for vimlatex users.
- Added epstopdf package for MikTeX compatibility.
- Changed chapter wise numbering to default, as it seems more reasonable to use this.
- Added a command to create empty chapters (e.g. the "Messprotokoll").
- Updated titlepage to supply an additional field for email adresses.
- Added the mhchem package and removed the defined command \element. Additionally, the dependency on package mathtools is dropped.
- Used tocbibind package to display the bibliography in toc.