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Clean up genBinding (#2661)
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* Refactor CodePrinter2 to resolve clean_up functions.

* Remove unintended blank line in Context.fs.

* Move satSolveMaxStepsMaxSteps to Defines.

* Extract keyword before pattern matching.
  • Loading branch information
nojaf authored Dec 26, 2022
1 parent e9f1524 commit ea96fa8
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Showing 4 changed files with 62 additions and 143 deletions.
194 changes: 56 additions & 138 deletions src/Fantomas.Core/CodePrinter2.fs
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Expand Up @@ -2606,54 +2606,27 @@ let genReturnTypeBinding (node: BindingReturnInfoNode option) =
| None -> sepNone
| Some node -> genSingleTextNode node.Colon +> sepSpace +> genType node.Type

let clean_up_space_settings (leadingKeyword: MultipleTextsNode) ctx =
let (|Keywords|) (mt: MultipleTextsNode) = (fun (st: SingleTextNode) -> st.Text) mt.Content

match leadingKeyword with
| Keywords [ "member" ]
| Keywords [ "override" ]
| Keywords [ "static"; "member" ]
| Keywords [ "abstract"; "member" ]
| Keywords [ "default" ] -> ctx.Config.SpaceBeforeMember, ctx.Config.AlternativeLongMemberDefinitions
| _ -> ctx.Config.SpaceBeforeParameter, ctx.Config.AlignFunctionSignatureToIndentation

let clean_up_is_rec_function (leadingKeyword: MultipleTextsNode) =
match leadingKeyword.Content with
| [ singleText ] -> singleText.Text = "and"
| _ -> false

let clean_up_addSpaceBeforeParensInFunDef (spaceBeforeSetting: bool) (functionOrMethod: IdentListNode) (arg: Pattern) =
match functionOrMethod.Content, arg with
| [ IdentifierOrDot.Ident newIdent ], _ when newIdent.Text = "new" -> false
| _, Pattern.Paren _
| _, Pattern.Unit _ -> spaceBeforeSetting
| _, Pattern.Named _
| _, Pattern.Wild _ -> true
| content, _ ->
match List.tryLast content with
| None -> false
| Some(IdentifierOrDot.KnownDot _)
| Some IdentifierOrDot.UnknownDot -> true
| Some(IdentifierOrDot.Ident ident) -> not (Char.IsUpper ident.Text.[0])

let clean_up_genParenTupleWithIndentAndNewlines
(parenNode: PatParenNode)
(tupleNode: PatTupleNode)
: Context -> Context =
genSingleTextNode parenNode.OpeningParen
+> indentSepNlnUnindent ((col (sepComma +> sepNln) tupleNode.Patterns genPat) |> genNode tupleNode)
+> sepNln
+> genSingleTextNode parenNode.ClosingParen
|> genNode parenNode

let genBinding (b: BindingNode) (ctx: Context) : Context =
let binding =
match b.ReturnType, b.FunctionName with
| Some returnTypeNode, Choice1Of2 functionName when List.isNotEmpty b.Parameters ->
let spaceBefore, alternativeSyntax = clean_up_space_settings b.LeadingKeyword ctx
let isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction = clean_up_is_rec_function b.LeadingKeyword
let spaceBefore, alternativeSyntax =
let keywords = (fun (st: SingleTextNode) -> st.Text) b.LeadingKeyword.Content

match keywords with
| [ "member" ]
| [ "override" ]
| [ "static"; "member" ]
| [ "abstract"; "member" ]
| [ "default" ] -> ctx.Config.SpaceBeforeMember, ctx.Config.AlternativeLongMemberDefinitions
| _ -> ctx.Config.SpaceBeforeParameter, ctx.Config.AlignFunctionSignatureToIndentation

let isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction =
match b.LeadingKeyword.Content with
| [ singleText ] -> singleText.Text = "and"
| _ -> false

let binding =
match b.FunctionName with
| Choice1Of2 functionName when List.isNotEmpty b.Parameters ->
let genAttrIsFirstChild =
onlyIf (not isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction) (genAttributes b.Attributes)

Expand All @@ -2674,18 +2647,35 @@ let genBinding (b: BindingNode) (ctx: Context) : Context =
genIdentListNode functionName +> optSingle genTyparDecls b.GenericTypeParameters

let genReturnType isFixed =
onlyIfNot isFixed sepSpace
+> (genSingleTextNode returnTypeNode.Colon
+> sepSpace
+> atCurrentColumnIndent (genType returnTypeNode.Type)
|> genNode returnTypeNode)
match b.ReturnType with
| None -> sepNone
| Some returnTypeNode ->
onlyIfNot isFixed sepSpace
+> (genSingleTextNode returnTypeNode.Colon
+> sepSpace
+> atCurrentColumnIndent (genType returnTypeNode.Type)
|> genNode returnTypeNode)

let genSignature =
let spaceBeforeParameters =
match b.Parameters with
| [] -> sepNone
| [ p ] ->
ifElse (clean_up_addSpaceBeforeParensInFunDef spaceBefore functionName p) sepSpace sepNone
let addSpaceBeforeParensInFunDef =
match functionName.Content, p with
| [ IdentifierOrDot.Ident newIdent ], _ when newIdent.Text = "new" -> false
| _, Pattern.Paren _
| _, Pattern.Unit _ -> spaceBefore
| _, Pattern.Named _
| _, Pattern.Wild _ -> true
| content, _ ->
match List.tryLast content with
| None -> false
| Some(IdentifierOrDot.KnownDot _)
| Some IdentifierOrDot.UnknownDot -> true
| Some(IdentifierOrDot.Ident ident) -> not (Char.IsUpper ident.Text.[0])

ifElse addSpaceBeforeParensInFunDef sepSpace sepNone
| _ -> sepSpace

let short =
Expand All @@ -2704,7 +2694,14 @@ let genBinding (b: BindingNode) (ctx: Context) : Context =
| [ Pattern.Paren parenNode ] ->
match parenNode.Pattern with
| Pattern.Tuple tupleNode ->
clean_up_genParenTupleWithIndentAndNewlines parenNode tupleNode, true
(genSingleTextNode parenNode.OpeningParen
+> indentSepNlnUnindent (
(col (sepComma +> sepNln) tupleNode.Patterns genPat) |> genNode tupleNode
+> sepNln
+> genSingleTextNode parenNode.ClosingParen
|> genNode parenNode),
| _ -> col sepNln b.Parameters genPat, false
| _ -> col sepNln b.Parameters genPat, false

Expand All @@ -2718,7 +2715,10 @@ let genBinding (b: BindingNode) (ctx: Context) : Context =
+> leadingExpressionIsMultiline
(genReturnType (not hasSingleTupledArg || alternativeSyntax))
(fun isMultiline ->
ifElse (alternativeSyntax || isMultiline) (sepNln +> genSingleTextNode b.Equals) sepEq)
if (alternativeSyntax && Option.isSome b.ReturnType) || isMultiline then
sepNln +> genSingleTextNode b.Equals
sepSpace +> genSingleTextNode b.Equals)
+> unindent)

Expand All @@ -2741,88 +2741,8 @@ let genBinding (b: BindingNode) (ctx: Context) : Context =
+> genAttrIsFirstChild
+> genPref
+> leadingExpressionIsMultiline genSignature genExpr)
| None, Choice1Of2 functionName when List.isNotEmpty b.Parameters ->
let spaceBefore, alternativeSyntax = clean_up_space_settings b.LeadingKeyword ctx
let isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction = clean_up_is_rec_function b.LeadingKeyword

let genAttrIsFirstChild =
onlyIf (not isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction) (genAttributes b.Attributes)

let genPref =
if not isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction then
genMultipleTextsNode b.LeadingKeyword +> sepSpace
genMultipleTextsNode b.LeadingKeyword
+> sepSpace
+> genOnelinerAttributes b.Attributes

let afterLetKeyword =
ifElse b.IsMutable (!- "mutable ") sepNone
+> ifElse b.IsInline (!- "inline ") sepNone
+> genAccessOpt b.Accessibility

let genFunctionName =
genIdentListNode functionName +> optSingle genTyparDecls b.GenericTypeParameters

let genSignature =
let spaceBeforeParameters =
match b.Parameters with
| [] -> sepNone
| [ p ] ->
ifElse (clean_up_addSpaceBeforeParensInFunDef spaceBefore functionName p) sepSpace sepNone
| _ -> sepSpace

let short =
+> genFunctionName
+> spaceBeforeParameters
+> col sepSpace b.Parameters genPat
+> sepSpace
+> genSingleTextNode b.Equals

let long (ctx: Context) =
let genParameters, hasSingleTupledArg =
match b.Parameters with
| [ Pattern.Paren parenNode ] ->
match parenNode.Pattern with
| Pattern.Tuple tupleNode ->
clean_up_genParenTupleWithIndentAndNewlines parenNode tupleNode, true
| _ -> col sepNln b.Parameters genPat, false
| _ -> col sepNln b.Parameters genPat, false

+> sepSpace
+> genFunctionName
+> indent
+> sepNln
+> genParameters
+> ifElse (hasSingleTupledArg && not alternativeSyntax) sepSpace sepNln
+> genSingleTextNode b.Equals
+> unindent)

expressionFitsOnRestOfLine short long

let body (ctx: Context) = genExpr b.Expr ctx

let genExpr isMultiline =
if isMultiline then
indentSepNlnUnindent body
let short = sepSpace +> body

let long =
autoIndentAndNlnExpressUnlessStroustrup (fun e -> sepSpace +> genExpr e) b.Expr

isShortExpression ctx.Config.MaxFunctionBindingWidth short long

(genXml b.XmlDoc
+> genAttrIsFirstChild
+> genPref
+> leadingExpressionIsMultiline genSignature genExpr)
| None, Choice2Of2(Pattern.Tuple _ as pat) ->
let isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction = clean_up_is_rec_function b.LeadingKeyword

| Choice2Of2(Pattern.Tuple _ as pat) ->
let genAttrAndPref =
if not isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction then
(genAttributes b.Attributes +> genMultipleTextsNode b.LeadingKeyword)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2853,11 +2773,9 @@ let genBinding (b: BindingNode) (ctx: Context) : Context =
let long = prefix +> indentSepNlnUnindent (genExpr b.Expr)
let short = prefix +> sepSpace +> genExpr b.Expr
isShortExpression ctx.Config.MaxValueBindingWidth short long ctx)

| _ ->
// old code of genSynBindingValue

let isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction = clean_up_is_rec_function b.LeadingKeyword

let genAttrIsFirstChild =
onlyIf (not isRecursiveLetOrUseFunction) (genAttributes b.Attributes)

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Fantomas.Core/Context.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ module WriterModel =
let update maxPageWidth cmd m =
let doNewline m =
let m = { m with Indent = max m.Indent m.AtColumn }

let nextLine = String.replicate m.Indent " "
let currentLine = String.Concat(List.head m.Lines, m.WriteBeforeNewline).TrimEnd()
let otherLines = List.tail m.Lines
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/Fantomas.Core/Defines.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -247,11 +247,15 @@ let getDefineExprs (hashDirectives: ConditionalDirectiveTrivia list) =


let satSolveMaxStepsMaxSteps = 100

let getOptimizedDefinesSets (hashDirectives: ConditionalDirectiveTrivia list) =
let maxSteps = FormatConfig.satSolveMaxStepsMaxSteps
let defineExprs = getDefineExprs hashDirectives

match DefineCombinationSolver.mergeBoolExprs maxSteps defineExprs |> snd with
DefineCombinationSolver.mergeBoolExprs satSolveMaxStepsMaxSteps defineExprs
|> snd
| [] -> [ [] ]
| xs -> xs

Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/Fantomas.Core/FormatConfig.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ module Fantomas.Core.FormatConfig
open System
open System.ComponentModel

let satSolveMaxStepsMaxSteps = 100

type FormatException(msg: string) =
inherit Exception(msg)

Expand Down

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