- Supports Ghidra 11.x.y.
- Exports both Ghidra projects and binaries supported by Ghidra's loaders.
- GUI-based export plugin via
Script Manager -> External -> FugueExport.java
Install the flatbuffers compiler flatc
Run the following commands:
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
# make sure that the flatc version is the same
# as the flatbuffers-java version in build.gradle
flatc --java -b -o src/main/java/ extra/schema/fugue.fbs
GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/ghidra/ ./gradlew buildExtension
unzip -qod "${GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR}"/Ghidra/Extensions/ dist/$(ls -1t dist | head -n1)