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Fulib Gradle Plugin

Build Status Java CI Gradle Plugin Portal

The Gradle plugin for fulib and the fulibScenarios compiler.


The plugin is available on the Gradle Plugin Portal and can be installed via the plugins DSL in build.gradle:

plugins {
    // ...
    id 'java'
    id 'org.fulib.fulibGradle' version '0.5.0'
    // ...


The fulibScenarios README describes how to work with scenarios. Check out the fulib README to learn how to generate model code.

This plugin supports the following options for ScenariosTasks. The default values are shown.

generateScenarioSource { // or generateTestScenarioSource, or custom task
	tables = false // generates table class using fulibTables (

	classDiagram = false // generates a classDiagram.png alongside the model java files
	classDiagramSVG = false // generates a classDiagram.svg alongside the model java files

	objectDiagram = false // scenario tests automatically create object diagrams (png) at the end
	objectDiagramSVG = false // see objectDiagram, but uses svg

	dryRun = false // does not change any files on disk, only outputs compilation problems and warnings

	extraArgs = [] // extra arguments to pass to the scenario compiler, can also be used like `extraArgs += ...`. See
