This provides a component for Apache Stanbol that implements the Fusepool Transformer specification.
It contains as three modules:
- Transformer Service: This adds a component with the path
to the Stanbol web services that exposes all active Enhancement Chains and Enhancement Engines as Fusepool Transformers. Chains are available attransformers/chain/{chainName}
and Engines undertransformers/engine/{engineName}
- Transformer Bundlelist: This provides Apache Sling partial bundlelist that can be used to add all the modules required to use the Stanbol Transformer service in any Stanbol Launcher.
- Transformer Launcher: A rather minimal Stanbol runable JAR launcher with the Stanbol Transformer included. Intended to be used for testing and as an example for building custom Stanbol Launcher with this feature included.
For further information on how to actually use the Stanbol Transfomer Service please have a look at the README of the service