GRIST (Global-to-Regional Integrated forecast SysTem) is a unified model system for global weather and climate modeling. It is developed to explore the possibility of unification, in response to a broad need, voice for unified weather and climate modeling. In practice, because global weather and climate modeling differ significantly in terms of their spatial and temporal scales, the so-called unification is pursued following two routes: (i) to maximize the possibility of constructing weather and climate models using a single model framework and dynamical core; (ii) to maximize the possibility of using a unified model formulation with minimum application-specific changes for weather-to-climate forecast applications that are relevant to most operational business demands.
The multi-purpose modeling capabilities of GRIST are organized in terms of "working mode".
GRIST has 2 major working modes for global three-dimensional atmosphere modeling and forecast:
GRIST-AMIPW: this setup couples GRIST with a high-resolution (down to km-scale) oriented physics suite for weather-to-climate forecast applications.
GRIST-AMIPC: this setup couples GRIST with a comprehensive, long-term climate-modeling oriented physics suite for multi-centries applications.
- Zhang, Y., R. Yu, J. Li, X. Li, X. Rong, X. Peng, and Y. Zhou, (2021), AMIP Simulations of a Global Model for Unified Weather-Climate Forecast: Understanding Precipitation Characteristics and Sensitivity Over East Asia. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(11), e2021MS002592.doi:
- Zhou, Y., Y. Zhang, J. Li, R. Yu, and Z. Liu, (2020), Configuration and evaluation of a global unstructured mesh atmospheric model (GRIST-A20.9) based on the variable-resolution approach. Geosci. Model Dev., 13(12), 6325-6348.doi:10.5194/gmd-13-6325-2020.
- Zhang, Y., X. Li, Z. Liu, X. Rong, J. Li, Y. Zhou, and S. Chen, (2022), Resolution Sensitivity of the GRIST Nonhydrostatic Model from 120 to 5 km (3.75 km) during the DYAMOND winter. Earth and Space Science.
- 陈苏阳, 张祎, 周逸辉, 李晓涵, 王一鸣, 陈昊明. GRIST模式夏季气候回测试验中东亚降水季节内特征的评估[J]. 气象学报. doi: 10.11676/qxxb2023.20220120.
- Chen, T., J. Li, Y. Zhang, H. Chen, P. Li, and H. Che, (2023), Evaluation of Hourly Precipitation Characteristics from a Global Reanalysis and Variable-Resolution Global Model over the Tibetan Plateau by Using a Satellite-Gauge Merged Rainfall Product. Remote Sensing, 15(4), 1013.
- Li, X., Y. Zhang, X. Peng, W. Chu, Y. Lin, and J. Li, (2022), Improved Climate Simulation by Using a Double-Plume Convection Scheme in a Global Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(11), e2021JD036069.doi:
- Li, Xiaohan,Yi Zhang, Yanluan Lin, Xindong Peng, Baiquan ZHOU, Panmao Zhai, Jian Li. 2022: Impact of a revised trigger-closure of the double-plume convective parameterization on precipitation simulation over East Asia. Adv. Atmos. Sci.,
- 李晓涵, 张祎, 林岩銮, 彭新东, 李建. 一套湿物理参数化方案在GRIST全球模式中的应用及其对模式气候的影响[J]. 气象学报. doi: 10.11676/qxxb2023.20230001.
GRIST has 3 minor working modes, i.e., Shallow Water Model, Single-Column Model, DTP (Dycore-Tracer-Physics) model for isolated testing of individual component.
- Zhang, Y., J. Li, R. Yu, S. Zhang, Z. Liu, J. Huang, and Y. Zhou, (2019), A Layer-Averaged Nonhydrostatic Dynamical Framework on an Unstructured Mesh for Global and Regional Atmospheric Modeling: Model Description, Baseline Evaluation, and Sensitivity Exploration. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11(6), 1685-1714.doi:10.1029/2018MS001539.
- Zhang, Y., J. Li, R. Yu, Z. Liu, Y. Zhou, X. Li, and X. Huang, (2020), A Multiscale Dynamical Model in a Dry-Mass Coordinate for Weather and Climate Modeling: Moist Dynamics and Its Coupling to Physics. Monthly Weather Review, 148(7), 2671-2699.doi:10.1175/MWR-D-19-0305.1.
- Li, J., and Y. Zhang, (2022), Enhancing the stability of a global model by using an adaptively implicit vertical moist transport scheme. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 134(3), 55.doi:10.1007/s00703-022-00895-5.
- Wang, L., Y. Zhang, J. Li, Z. Liu, and Y. Zhou, (2019), Understanding the Performance of an Unstructured-Mesh Global Shallow Water Model on Kinetic Energy Spectra and Nonlinear Vorticity Dynamics. Journal of Meteorological Research, 33(6), 1075-1097.doi:10.1007/s13351-019-9004-2.
- Zhang, Y., (2018), Extending High-Order Flux Operators on Spherical Icosahedral Grids and Their Applications in the Framework of a Shallow Water Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10(1), 145-164.doi:10.1002/2017MS001088.
- Li, X., Zhang, Y., Peng, X., and Li, J.: Using a single column model (SGRIST1.0) for connecting model physics and dynamics in the Global-to-Regional Integrated forecast SysTem (GRIST-A20.8), Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 2020, 1-28, 10.5194/gmd-2020-254, 2020.
- Li, J., X. Peng, X. Li, Y. Lin, and W. Chu, 2021: Evaluation of a Flexible Single Ice Microphysics and a Gaussian Probability-Density-Function Macrophysics Scheme in a Single Column Model. Atmosphere.
- Li, X., Zhang, Y., Peng, X., Zhou, B., Li, J., and Wang, Y.: Intercomparison of the weather and climate physics suites of a unified forecast/climate model system (GRIST-A22.7.28) based on single column modeling, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2023.
- Liu, Z., Zhang, Y., Huang, X., Li, J., Wang, D., Wang, M., and Huang, X.: Development and performance optimization of a parallel computing infrastructure for an unstructured-mesh modelling framework, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 2020, 1-32, 10.5194/gmd-2020-158, 2020.
- Wang, T., L. Zhuang, J. M. Kunkel, S. Xiao, and C. Zhao, 2020: Parallelization and I/O Performance Optimization of a Global Nonhydrostatic Dynamical Core Using MPI. Computers, Materials & Continua, 63.
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Standardized element and connectivity for grid flexibility
With proper configurations, the hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic models of GRIST generate very consistent solutions for relatively coarse grid spacing
Uniform- and Variable-Resolution meshes
7.20 torrential rainfall event, Henan province, China. Forecasts produced by GRIST (HDC: hydrostatic; NDC: nonhydrostaic) The unstructured grid allows GRIST to be configured as a multi-resolution global model, so as to support regional km-scale forecast within a global model.
Fig. 2 Experimental global storm-resolving simulations by GRIST Nonhydrostatic Model during the DYAMOND winter. Visualization by Florian Ziemen/ESiWACE2/DKRZ
Fig. 3 Prototype global 0.125-degree/L60 medium-range NWP configuration of GRIST. Fig. 4 Cross-lag correlation of outgoing longwave radiation during the boreal winter to reflect MJO's propagation. Conventional global climate simulations at 1-degree.GRIST is a developmental tool for the 6th PIE developer game.
There are some educational resources for learning some basics of this model:
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The model code can be accessed by anyone who has interest. As a simple registration procedure, please just send a username (github) to [email protected] so as to activate access authority if wanted.