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GreatUniHack 2021

Challenge banner: Reinforcement learning retro theme

We want you to make something cool with reinforcement learning!

Your project will be assessed based on the creativity of the solution / task that the model(s) performs. If you need to (or want to!) use something complex like state-of-the-art Deep RL neural nets, go for it! But we know simple AI solutions can solve facinating problems just as well!

Places to start

Try these for an introduction to RL: GeeksforGeeks, towards data science

OpenAI gym provides a bunch of test environments for playing around with RL. This PyTorch Deep Q Learning tutorial may be a good starting point for model training.

You can even make your own environments using the OpenAI library! Here's an interesting snippet from the article:

import gym
from gym import spaces

class CustomEnv(gym.Env):
  """Custom Environment that follows gym interface"""
  metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}

  def __init__(self, arg1, arg2, ...):
    super(CustomEnv, self).__init__()
    # Define action and observation space
    # They must be gym.spaces objects
    # Example when using discrete actions:
    self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(N_DISCRETE_ACTIONS)
    # Example for using image as input:
    self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=
                    (HEIGHT, WIDTH, N_CHANNELS), dtype=np.uint8)

  def step(self, action):
    # Execute one time step within the environment
  def reset(self):
    # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state
  def render(self, mode='human', close=False):
    # Render the environment to the screen

Feel free to a look at other Reinforcement Learning libraries (it doesn't have to be Python), there are plenty out there.

More Inspiration

  • Want to pit your bot against itself or play against your bot? Try Simple. The creator has written a great article about it!
  • Want to use real hardware agents? Check out this hack by Roger Cheng.
  • Want to be REALLY ambitious try using human preference to evaluate your AI like this. (P.S: This would be really hard)
  • Check out for some nice retro assets.


Challenge for GreatUniHack2021






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