A simple tool to synchronize your vault policies from your code repository with your server.
To install this tool, you should run the following command:
$ go install github.com/fynelabs/vault-policies@latest
If you are already using vault, it is likely that you have setup some policies. You might want to get them locally as a starting point. To do so, you can do the following with the backup command:
$ vault login
$ vault-policies backup toyour/directory
This can also be useful for regularly getting a snapshot of the policies in production for audit or just backup.
If you do not want any rules to be removed and just update the rules you have defined in your directory to be replicated on your vault instance, you should use the upload command as follow:
$ vault login
$ vault-policies upload fromyour/directory
If you want to have the rules set on your server to exactly and strictly match the one defined in your directory, you should use the restore command as follow:
$ vault login
$ vault-policies restore fromyour/directory
This code is under MPL-2 as is vault to facilitate adoption.