This API is developed in NodeJs, Express and Typescript, using SOLID principles to increase scalability and facilitate the reading of the project code.
yarn install
The .env file has the project's environment variables.
- REDIS_PORT: port where the redis server is running;
- HATCHWAYS_API_URL: url to fetch data from Hatchway API;
- CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME_IN_SECONDS: time to expire the requests cache, in seconds.
yarn dev
The server starts at: http://localhost:3333/
yarn build
yarn start
The server starts at: http://localhost:3333/
To run the tests:
yarn test
The project has two cache providers, Node-cache and Redis, natively. By default the project is using Node-cache for caching, to change to Redis just change:
const cacheProvider = new NodeCacheProvider()
at file: src/index.ts
const cacheProvider = new RedisCacheProvider()
at file: src/index.ts
However, to use Redis it is necessary to have a Redis server running in your environment on the same port as the REDIS_PORT environment variable.
If you don't have a Redis server in your local environment, the Redis provider's unit tests will fail.
by Gabriel Sá | Software Developer 😄