NeuroStatX is a command-line toolbox to perform statistical analysis on neuroscience data. It had been developped mostly as part of my PhD project, which aims to understand the relationship between the brain, cognition and behavior, hence the focus on neuroscience data. As my project goes forward, new functionalities and scripts will be added. Contributions are welcome!.
NeuroStatX also offers a strong testing infrastructure to ensure robust and reproducible results when applicable. Unit test are already implemented for most functions, and CLI script are tested to ensure proper execution.
It is highly recommended to install neurostatx
into a python virtual
environment. To do so, please follow these steps:
pipx install virtualenv
# Set up the virtualenv.
virtualenv --python 3.11 /path/to/your/destination/folder/
# Activate your newly created environment
source /path/to/your/destination/folder/bin/activate
Then, to install through PyPI, simply use pip:
pip install neurostatx
This library uses poetry to manage dependencies. To install it, use pipx with the following command:
pip install pipx
pipx ensurepath
pipx install poetry
Poetry is creating is own virtual environment by default. Therefore, be sure to deactivate all of your virtual environment before continuing on with the installation.
To install NeuroStatX and all of its dependencies, run this set of commands:
git clone
cd NeuroStatX/
poetry install
The poetry install
command will install all required dependencies as well
as setting up a virtual environment. To access the library environment, use:
poetry shell
from the project root directory. This will activate the
project's python environment in your current shell.
To access your environment from other directories, use this command (from
within the project directory), you might need to modify ~/.bashrc to your
specific login shell (ex: MacOS sometimes uses zsh, so ~/.zshrc or
ENVPATH=$(poetry env info --path)
echo "export NeuroStatXPATH=${ENVPATH}" >> ~/.bashrc
Restart your terminal. You should now be able to activate the poetry
environment by using: source $NeuroStatXPATH/bin/activate
from anywhere.
Graphviz is an external dependencies required to visualize semplot from the
package used within NeuroStatX. If you do not have Graphviz
installed on your machine, please run the following if you are on Linux
sudo apt get graphviz
or brew install graphviz
if you are on MacOS.