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hpre is a simple Haskell code preprocessor that adds a few minor syntactic features. They are meant to be minimal, and increase productivity without harming readability.

I have been using Haskell since 2005 and am largely self-taught. As such, I developed my own habits and conventions, and found a few aspects of the language unsatisfactory. I developed what is now hpre (formerly gghc) over the years to address these.

Here are the features, along with their rationales:

Ticked numbers

This feature is deprecated and is disabled when multiplex imports are enabled.

An extension NumericUnderscores landed in GHC 8.6 that meets this need. This feature is therefore redundant and deprecated. It is turned off when --+ is used to indicate newer hpre features, and may eventually be completely removed.

Large integer literals can be hard to read off. Many languages provide native syntax for spacing them out. For example, Perl allows one to write one billion as 1_000_000_000 rather than the hypnotic 1000000000. Haskell does not, so I’ve added it.

My first try at a spacing symbol is a tick mark (apostrophe), ', but I’m also experimenting with _. So you can write 1'000'000'000 or 1_000_000_000, and hpre will take out the non-digits. This made a number of my mathematical projects more readable.

Since GHC 7.8, the language option NumDecimals allows writing one billion (of an Integral type) as 1e9. However, you might not want this extension, and anyway it won’t help if your number is not mostly a row of zeroes, such as 1'073'741'824.

No existing Haskell syntax (including GHC extensions) appears to conflict with either notation.

Trailing commas and the like

A GHC extension ExtraCommas has been proposed that would replace some of these features, but it has been stalled for a while.

That a comma is not allowed after the last item in a comma-separated list is a recurring nuisance. It is easy to fail to attend to this exception when adding to the list, or moving entries around. Furthermore, code diffs can triple in size:

-    itemSeven
+    itemSeven,
+    itemEight

This can make it harder to see at a glance that the only change was adding an item.

The Haskell community’s answer to this has been to adopt “Utrecht-style” commas, at the start of the line:

   mapM_ print
      [ itemOne
      , itemTwo
      , itemThree

The idea being that you can add , itemFour easily.

However, this is not really satisfactory. For one, I personally find it unsightly; commas were meant to sit comfortably after a word. Nevertheless, there is an argument that code is easier to scan with delimiters at the start of lines, and the community has largely settled on this style, so I have been slowly adopting it.

But the more important point is that it doesn’t fix the problem. Instead of the last item being exceptional, now the first is. Perhaps it is more common to add to the end of a list than the beginning, but one might want to move itemOne down, or add before it, or remove it.

Many other languages sensibly allow a trailing comma in such lists, after the last item. Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, and modern JavaScript all do. In Rust it is the recommended style. Haskell even allows it in import and export lists. It may indeed be better design for the comma to be a (perhaps optionally omitted) terminator rather than a separator.

hpre thus supports this for items split across lines, which is the primary use case. You can write

   mapM_ print [


   data Person = {
      Name :: Text,
      Age  :: Int,
      } deriving (Eq, Show)

and hpre will remove the final comma before sending to GHC. Specifically, it looks for a comma at the end of one line (not counting a -- comment), followed by a closing delimiter at the start of the next.

This could in principle conflict with the tuple section extension, where (True,) is a function a -> (Bool, a), but it would be madness to insert a newline before the closing parenthesis.

Leading commas are similarly supported, so these can be written:

   mapM_ print [
      , itemOne
      , itemTwo

   data Person = {
      , Name :: Text
      , Age  :: Int
      } deriving (Eq, Show)

In addition, hpre supports leading bars in data declarations:

   data Foobar =
      | Foo
      | Bar

Trailing bars are not supported, and I currently have no plans to add them.

There are other places where extra delimiters might be handy, such as pattern guards and language extension lists, but these are much less common and thus less troublesome, so as of now I have no plans to support those either.

Tab expansion

The tab versus spaces debate is an old one, and still unresolved (e.g., Python has settled on spaces, Go on tabs). The Haskell community today endorses spaces, but I remain ambivalent. GHC now warns on tabs (although -fno-warn-tabs can disable that), but interprets them as eight-space jumps.

Eight spaces is a lot, and most prefer an indentation of at most four. So, code with tabs will be mis-aligned by the Haskell parser, which is relevant with significant whitespace.

hpre has a (hardcoded) setting tabWidth, and it expands all tabs in the source to use that as a tabstop before passing it along to GHC. Thus, you can continue to use your favorite tabstop, and, if you change your mind about it (an advantage of tabs), you can change it in hpre.

If you don’t use tabs, this feature has no effect.

Empty guards

Haskell uses guards to break down cases inside a definition or case expression. The standard idiom for the “default” case is to use otherwise:

   fac n | n < 1     = 1
         | otherwise = n * fac (n-1)

   ... case a `divMod` b of
          (q, r) | odd r     -> r
                 | otherwise -> q + r

otherwise is not part of the language, but is defined in the standard Prelude as the value True.

The first thing that bugs me about otherwise is that it’s bulky. In many cases, as in the above two, it visually dwarfs the other parts of the code, including the important condition.

It is also easily made unnecessary. Indeed, Concurrent Clean has a nicer solution, where the otherwise is optional. Imagine this:

   fac n | n < 1 = 1
         |       = n * fac (n-1)

To me this is much more pleasant and natural. (In Clean the second | is actually omitted, but I don’t follow that.)

And the idea fits nicely with existing syntax. There is a “pattern guards” extension, standard in Haskell2010, which allows multiple conditions in a guard:

   bar x | not (null x), Just y <- lookup 1 x, y /= 3 = ...

An empty guard is a small generalization of this, where the number of conditions can be zero.

A practical application is that Haskell compilers should and do check for incomplete definitions and cases. To this end, otherwise is special-cased into GHC as something known to always be true, which is itself hacky. Indeed, elsewise = True; x | elsewise = () will issue a warning with -Wincomplete-patterns. If the compiler accepted zero conditions, it could know a priori that the guards are exhaustive.

More philosophically, otherwise feels like a hack. The “else” case should be part of the syntax, but instead the namespace is needed. If, say, for some reason you didn’t bring all of the Prelude into scope, you might not have the syntactic ability to write a default case.

hpre adds support for empty guards. It checks for a | followed by whitespace and an = or -> (or ) on the same line, and writes in a literal True. This doesn’t give the full power that a compiler-supported empty guard would, but it works well in practice.

Ditto marks

Haskell function definitions with multiple equations require repeating the function name:

   bigBulkyFunctionName :: Maybe [Int] -> (Int, Int)

   bigBulkyFunctionName Nothing        = ...
   bigBulkyFunctionName (Just [])      = ...
   bigBulkyFunctionName (Just [_])     = ...
   bigBulkyFunctionName (Just (a:b:_)) = ...

In programming, there is the principle of DRY (“Don’t Repeat Yourself”), that it is best for some fact to appear in only one place. This can be taken too far, but I feel it is applicable here, for the usual reasons:

First, this is a lot of repetitive typing. One can of course copy and paste in any reasonable editor, but that’s analogous to saying that a language is quick to code in, as long as you have an IDE to generate all the tedious boilerplate.

Relatedly, we introduce a source of error: A typo in one of those copies can cause a failure, perhaps at runtime. Suppose the last line is mistyped as

   bigBulkyFunctoinName (Just (a:b:_)) = ...

This module will still compile (although perhaps with more warnings), but will error out at runtime if this case arises. If it’s an uncommon case, this might suddenly occur in production weeks later and bring down your app.

This syntax appears to be motivated by mathematical notation. But mathematicians tend to use short identifiers (such as f or fib), which are less troublesome, and of course write for humans, who can correct for errors.

Next, a major motivation for DRY is the ease of maintenance and making changes. An example is developing an alternative implementation of some function. These co-exist during testing:

   isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
   isPrime 0 = False
   isPrime 1 = False
   isPrime 2 = True
   isPrime n | n < 0  = False
             |        = all (\x -> n `mod` x /= 0) [2 .. n-1]

   isPrime' :: Integer -> Bool
   isPrime' n = ... some more efficient algorithm ...

   propItWorks x = isPrime x == isPrime' x

Once it’s time to swap in the new version, in most languages I could just switch the names, but for Haskell I have to change every definition. This comes up frequently for me. More generally, it arises anytime I want to rename a function.

My solution is a “ditto mark”, '', which abbreviates the identifier above it if it starts the line. So, in

   myfunc 0 = ...
   ''     1 = ...

the '' expands to myfunc.

I find this dovetails nicely with type annotations:

   bigBulkyFunctionName :: Maybe [Int] -> (Int, Int)

   ''  Nothing        = ...
   ''  (Just [])      = ...
   ''  (Just [_])     = ...
   ''  (Just (a:b:_)) = ...

Dittos don’t need to be on the top level; the only requirement is that the name be the first word on a line:

   fromDigits base = loop where
      loop (x:l) = x * base + loop l
      ''   []    = 0

An experimental new feature allows dittoing a let assignment:

   fromDigits base =
      let loop :: [Int] -> Int
          ''   (x:l) = x * base + loop l
          ''   []    = 0
      in loop

hpre also accepts the Unicode ditto mark () and the CJK ditto mark ().

Use is entirely optional, and in many cases I prefer to spell out the names:

   get1, get2, get3 :: (a, a, a) -> a

   get1 (x, _, _) = x
   get2 (_, x, _) = x
   get3 (_, _, x) = x

Some may find ditto marks unpalatable, but I’m quite pleased with how they have worked out in practice.

Multiplex imports

Haskell code in the wild is littered with pairs of lines such as this:

   import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
   import Data.Map.Strict (Map)

This is obnoxious both to write out and to read.

In fact, the syntax of import statements is suboptimal in several ways. Even the word qualified is a bit ugly, being long and messing up alignment, so that some codebases conventionally use spaces to line up names:

   import           Control.Monad
   import qualified Data.Set as S
   import           Data.Set (Set)

(A language extension ImportQualifiedPost is available as of GHC 8.10 that moves qualified after the module name, which somewhat obviates this.)

Meanwhile, qualification seems an unnecessary feature. It is rare that one wants to use as unqualified. No other language I know of, including those Haskell-inspired, has any such keyword. For instance, in PureScript as in an import always means qualified.

Haskell singularly optimizes its syntax for the least common case.

hpre extends and alters the import syntax with the following two rules:

  1. A module may be imported multiple times in one statement, by separating specifiers with commas. For instance import Foo as A, as B will import the module into both namespaces.

  2. An import with as is always qualified.

Thus, using hpre, the above two lines can be written as simply

   import Data.Map.Strict (Map), as Map

Each comma-separated specifier is an optional as clause followed by any of the usual: a list of symbols, a hiding clause, or nothing. Examples:

   import Data.List hiding (group), as List
   import Data.List.NonEmpty (group), as NE
   import Data.ByteString as B hiding (pack)
   import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B (pack)
   import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromChunks), as B (toStrict), as BL

hpre expands each of these into multiple import statements.

The “unqualified as” import can be emulated as follows:

import Control.Exception, as Exc

That is, this will import all symbols from the module both unqualified and with Exc.. (A trailing comma, however, is ignored.)

If an import is explicitly qualified, a warning is output, and it is left unchanged. I may eventually make this an error.

In Haskell, modules can be re-exported by adding module X to the export list. This exports symbols only if they are in scope both unqualified and qualified as X. A common idiom is to use one module name for all exported symbols, e.g.,

   module Foo (Foo(..), module Export) where
   import Control.Monad as Export
   import qualified Data.Text as T
   import Data.Text as Export (Text, pack, unpack)

With multiplex imports, any import can be marked for re-export simply and consistently by adding (in this example) , as Export:

   module Foo (Foo(..), module Export) where
   import Control.Monad, as Export
   import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack), as T, as Export

An extension I’m considering is having (..) represent the whole module, as in import Foo (..), to avoid the odd notation of separating off an empty specifier with a comma.

Unlike all other hpre features, multiplex imports can change the meaning of valid Haskell programs, since as imports all become qualified. For this reason, it is off by default, and is enabled by putting --+ on a line by itself, which causes import statements to be processed from then on.

While having the feature on all the time is worth considering in say a (breaking) 3.0 release, my inclination is to keep this buffer so hpre is always “safe” to use.

Limitations and future work

These extensions can in principle interfere with alignment. I try to minimize this effect—for example, the True in empty guards replaces an equal number of spaces when possible, and COLUMN pragmas are used with ditto expansion—and I almost never encounter problems, but it can happen. As an example,

     bad a b | b = 1
             |   = f a where f 0 = 5
                             f x = x + 1

will fail to parse because the fs will not align when True is inserted. However, I personally almost never use alignment in this way, and anyway this is a marginal case; if the condition were one character wider there would be no problem.

Until the ticked numbers feature is removed, similar alignment problems could occur when ' and _ are removed from lines.

The parsing is somewhat primitive; I don’t try to handle Haskell’s entire syntax. As such, it’s possible to confuse it. However, I have used hpre in several large and complex projects without problems.

All features I seriously considered for hpre have now been implemented, so no additions are planned any time soon, although some of the existing features may continue to be refined.

Installation and use

hpre can be installed by running cabal install or stack install from its directory. Alternatively, you can build the binary directly:

ghc --make -O hpre.hs

To use, add the command line options -F -pgmF hpre to ghc (or runghc, ghci, runhaskell, ghc-options in cabal, etc.), or add this line to individual Haskell files:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hpre #-}

Make sure that wherever hpre is installed (e.g., ~/.cabal/bin/), your build system can find it, or put a full path after -pgmF.


Simple Haskell code pre-processor.








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