- Apple Computer
- Download Xcode from Appstore. You will use ths IDE and code in swift to develop levels.
- Open Xcode and select "Clone an Existing Project" then paste https://github.com/galenoshea/Postsynaptic-Simulator.git
Navigate to tableViewController Class. Append the level number and level name to the end of level array.
, ("Level #", "Level Name")
*Notice the comma to separate the new element.
- In the ViewDidLoad method add a path to your level by following how the other levels are instantiated. Change only the numbers that apply to your level class.
- Create new Scene Class by going File > New > File > Swift File.
- Copy the code from the image below. Change and add attributes as you see fit.
- Custom Goals can be created by adding an override method to update.
- Here the Goal is to inhibit the neuron from firing for 45 seconds to win the level.
- Create new Scene Class by going File > New > File > Spritekit Scene.
- add Nodes by clicking the library button (circle with a square inside on top right of screen) and adding empty nodes along the path (these will be invisible) and colour nodes for the visible nodes that will be clicked on.
- Change texture by choosing an image from the right of screen to distinguish inhibitory excitatory.
- Give each node the naming convention Node followed by a unique number by changing the name attribute on the right of screen.