This release includes a number of bug fixes and stability improvements.
Also new is the ability to add environment variables to container module task specs, and an early version of a maven-container
plugin, which facilitates containerized build workflows for Maven-based Java projects.
Bug Fixes
- increase init delay for liveness probe (e2a1e87)
- occasional concurrency issue when fetching external tools (9d61d71)
- use abs target paths in HR copy commands (94619f6)
- include container name in pod log requests (247272d)
- add tasks for all affected modules on watch (badb2b2)
- respect level when using logger type env var (c5a5d6b)
- stream container build output and cap max buffer size (2a885c8)
- make sure to log build task success (d0c896a)
- build: always sync sources when building (874e23c)
- cli: log test duration in CLI output (61a0e40)
- container: error when getting status ahead of building (6c4b0b4)
- container: handle image IDs with multi-level namespace (342b987)
- container: use configured image ID locally (bf5d428)
- dashboard: fix undefined color (a0f0b43)
- examples: use different ingress hostnames for vote-helm example (e4ad813)
- k8s: handle CRDs properly (73f48bf)
- openfaas: error when getting status of func not created by Garden (d7da089)
- openfaas: update faas-cli to 0.8.3 (7915008)