Welcome to my dotfiles. These files run my day-to-day workflow. I try my best to keep them tidy, but life usually gets in the way. Below is a screenshot and some setup instructions. Have a good day.
- Move this folder to your root directory
- Run
sh setup.sh
- Restart your terminal
- Select
as your color theme
βββ README.md
βββ misc
| βββ seoul256-light.json
βββ screenshot.png
βββ setup.sh
βββ vim
| βββ formatting.vim
| βββ input.vim
| βββ line-numbers.vim
| βββ netrw.vim
| βββ plugins
| βββ plugins.vim
| βββ search.vim
| βββ theme.vim
| βββ vimrc
| βββ whitespace.vim
| βββ xterm-256color.terminfo.txt
βββ zsh
βββ alias
βββ antigen
βββ antigen.zsh
βββ antigen.zwc
βββ custom.zsh-theme
βββ custom.zsh-theme.antigen-compat
βββ functions
βββ paths
βββ python
βββ zshrc