Update: Extension for finding Minimum Biclique Cover is added.
Run the JAR file with the file containing the adjacency matrix and the type of output required as arguments.
- standard - compute all maximal bicliques(MBEA)
- MBC - find the minimum nuber of bicliques required to cover all edges(Minimum Biclique Cover problem)
$ java -jar MBEA.jar path_to/filename.txt _type_
lNode1 lNode2 ... <-> rNode1 rNode2 ...
is a maximal biclique satisfying the conditions.
- lNode_i_ belongs to the left vertex set
- rNode_i_ belongs to the right vertex set
Go to the main directory and execute :
$ java -jar MBEA.jar matrix.txt MBC
1 3 <-> 5 7
2 3 <-> 5 8
3 4 <-> 6 7 8
Implement the improved version of MBEA algorithm -
Runbenchmarks for the algorithms -
Add MBC extension