The code for the model described in the paper "Conditional molecular design with deep generative models"
Modified by Gonzalo Colmenarejo
- : main script
- - model architecture
- - modification of the previous to deal with multiparameter conditioning
- - functions for preprocessing
- exp0 : default run of CMD with original dataset and analysis of diversity, correctness and novelty of output
- exp1 : analysis of output (cor, div, nov) after training the CMD with increasing subsets of original training dataset
- exp3 : modified CMD for natural products; analyis of cor, div, nov of output
- exp4 : analysis of output (cor, div, nov) after training with orthogonal set vs clustered set
- cix : folder with, a module created for performing all cheminformatic analyses
- TensorFlow
- NumPy
- RDKit
- chemfp
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- matplotlib
Two Anaconda environments are used to run the code: tf35 to run the CMD, and cix to run the analysis Jupyter notebooks