A sample app for applying to Yandex Mobilization as an Android Developer.
Inspired by:
- Android Testing Code Labs
- Model-View-Presenter pattern in Android
- Clean Architecture
- Dependency Injection
- Test-driven development.
- Manually query database
adb pull /data/data/com.geaden.android.mobilization.app/databases/artists.db
sqlite3 artists.db
sqlite> .schema
- Handling-Scrolls-with-CoordinatorLayout
- Material Design Icons
- Dependency Injection with Dagger 2
- DBFlow Guide
- Building an Android Project in Travis
- Retrofit 2 - Mocking HTTP Responses
- Android TDD Playground
- Square Island about Android Development
- Fragment Navigation Drawer
- Android Dev Summit Architecture Demo
- Upload file to Yandex Disk
- Continuous integration on Android with travis CI
Gennady Denisov, 2016.