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helcrow edited this page Mar 15, 2011 · 209 revisions

OpenQuake’s roadmap consists of blueprints that describe potential features to be developed. The blueprints are divided into Hazard, Risk and Socio-Economic Impact (SEI) and into the different versions that are envisaged to be released over the coming years.

Blueprints are created by the science team, in collaboration with a group of developers who help guide the development process. The community can submit proposals for blueprints for specific features. Note: currently the blueprints listed below include RiskLib and NRML features which will be separated into individual projects in the beginning of 2011.

OpenQuake has a time-based release schedule:

  • Every three months there will be a release, odd numbered releases are unstable, and even numbered releases are stable
  • Following each stable release a Design Summit will be held, where possible features for the next development cycle are discussed

###Adding to the Blueprints

If you would like to create a blueprint item for the OpenQuake project, contact us at [email protected].

###System IT Infrastructure & Architecture

##Hazard ###Release 0.1

###Release 0.3

###Release 0.5

###Release 0.7

###Release 1.x

##Risk ###Release 0.1

###Release 0.3

###Release 0.4

###Release 0.5

###Release 0.7

###Release 1.x


###Release 0.3

###Release 0.5

###Release 0.7


###Release 0.1


###Release 0.1

###Release 0.3


###Release 0.3

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