It's a persistent mission designed for semi-randomized asymmetric warfare. This is the developing version, many progress have been done since 1.7 however we aren't ready for a release.
The Author is Barbolani
After 1.2 Chris coded many changes under the supervision of RickyTan and Kendo with the contribution of Toshi and Tucks for porting and templates.
After 1.7.6 Sparker and Jeroen continued because the 1.7 bugs weren't possible to be fixed unless changing a lot of the code.
Currently: Stef is supervising the project and coding some simple stuff, IrLED started coding major fixes and improvement since 1.7.17, he also organized the github environment.
We're looking for more coders, every contribution is appreciated!
Website: (DNS error, waiting for Barbolani who has access to fix it)
Server: steam://connect/
- Visit release page
- Download the .pbo
- For singleplayer: drop it in \steamapps\common\Arma 3\Missions
- For multiplayer: Arma 3\MPMissions
The mission has no dependencies, however it can detect the following mods.
- CBA, TFAR, RHS-AFRF+GREF(replace AAF, CSAT), RHS-USAF(replace NATO), ACE, inidibi2(multiple saves).
Client side mods, as long they don't affect AI, are generally ok. Here's some suggestions
- Dusty retexture project, JSRS, Enhanced Movement, Blastcore
This is our steam collection:
\Change faction or island\ rename the mission you want to "mission.sqm" copy and paste into AntistasiOfficial.Altis
In case you change world also rename the folder to .worldname.
Example: rename "Antistasi NapfG.sqm" to "mission.sqm", copy paste into \AntistasiOfficial.Altis, rename that folder to AntistasiOfficial.Napf